Chapter 1

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Hey guys, so here is chapter one of the story, this chapter was written by my friend Amber Leigh Marie but I added bits in.


"Just give us the bag kid and no-one gets hurt," the big brunette girl said.

She reeked of a life of theft and cheap perfume. A tall and scrawny blonde girl with tangled greasy hair behind the bug brunette stepped forward. It was her turn to talk.

"Just give us the money," she insisted.

A third girl with dark hair tied up in a tight bun grinned menacingly at me. I smiled back, revealing my lengthening canines. A growl rippled through me. The blonde girls eyes widened in surprise.

"Just give us the bag freak!" said the brunette.

I glanced at her t-shirt. It had an image of a pair of fangs and said bitten

"Like fangs do you? Wanting to get bitten do you?" I asked smugly, still bearing my teeth, "Well no-one wants you."

The brunettes eyes widened and I released another growl. She motioned for them to go back. The blonde bolted and the brunette followed. Shame, we could have been friends. The last girl with the bun gave me a curious look then turned to follow her friends. Somehow, I knew I'd see her again. It might have not been the right kind of fangs but it did the job.

I adjusted my rucksack then walked back towards the high street. A chilly breeze whipped my around my face and I could tell the snow would hit early this year so I'd need a new winter coat. The street was busy with Christmas shoppers. Everyone held bags full of presents for their friends or family. Not me though. I didn't have friends of a family- never mind a home with a Christmas tree and fairy lights and a warm, glowing fire.

I growled again. Not my throat but my stomach. Before I got my new coat, I'd need food. Restaurants and cafes were risky so I would have to hit the supermarket instead. The name of the shop glowered in the twilight of the night sky. Maybe I could get a coat from here too.

Inside was absolute chaos. People were pushing and shoving to get to the best deals. I edged my way towards the less-crowded cleaning isles and towards the hot deli. The smell of disinfectants wasn't strong enough to cover the scent of freshly baked pasties and pies of the steaming deli. I hung back and pretended to be browsing the cheese next to what I wanted.

"Hey do you want to try our new cherry and apple cheddar?" a bright plump woman in her early forties asked from behind the counter.

"Sure," I smiled back and took a cube.

The cheese was surprisingly sweet and slightly spiced.

"That's good," I commented.

"Well," she smiled slyly, "I won't tell if you want a few more."

The woman winked. I smiled gratefully and took a few more. I rarely got such delicacies as cheese except at Christmas. I turned to see the woman at the pasties counter had headed back into the back area. I stole a look around to make sure I was safe before slipping my hand under the plastic cover and helping me to two freshly backed Cornish pasties. I'd eat well tonight.

Just as I turned around, a large but gentle hand landed on my shoulder. I whipped around to see the plump woman from the cheese counter frowning at me.

"What?" I snapped.

"You planning on paying for those?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

My gaze fixed on the empty chocolate bar rapper on the floor.

"Didn't think so by the look on your face after eating that cheese. I saw you. Now look, you can either run now and I'll call security or you can promise to meet me at the back at the end of my shift in an hour, but you're going to have to give me those pasties," she explained.

"What makes you think I won't bolt," I retorted irritably.

"Because I'm one of you," she replied.

Slowly her eyes flickered from human light brown to a wolf's yellow eyes.

"So what are you going to do?"


Hope you enjoyed, let me know what you think please?

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