Chapter 18

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“Okay, we’ll start with Ella and Amy,” the teacher began.

               Oh no, not that blonde who busted my lip. She stepped forward, a menacing smile filling her lips. We headed towards the line and my attention turned towards her. Her body language told me that she had been training to beat me.

“On your mark,” the teacher announced. 

               I heard her mind strain.

“Get set!”

               Her heartbeat increased.


               My leg muscles responded immediately, they sprung me forward a couple of feet, allowing me to gain an instant head start. From then on, my wolf yelped in joy at the run. At one point I managed to actually over take her as I headed on to my next lap.

                But as I did, she tripped me up, causing me to hit the ground. My ankle throbbed in pain but it eased off as my wolf healed it quickly. I moved straight onto my feet and began to sprint again. I beat Amy by a good minute. Once she came back, she clutched her stomach and hunched over.

“How did you beat me? I tripped you up, you should have sprained your ankle,” she confessed with out even knowing.

“Amy! How could you?” Our teacher gasped.

“Your little angel really isn’t an angel,” I muttered.

“You’re disqualified from all future contests,” the teacher punished.

“But the school will flop without me!” she shrieked.

                Her face was turning redder by the second; it really wasn’t the prettiest of sights.

“No it won’t!” someone yelled back, “Ella is better than you!”

              I turned around and my jaw dropped open. At the beginning where I was being harassed by those three girls who wanted my bag, now one of them is stood before me. She naturally smirked at my reaction. She was called out next and ran the course with ease. But only a fellow wolf could outrun me, I might have a challenge if Ally comes to the school. Once she was done, she collapsed next to me in exhaustion.

“Who are you?” I questioned.

“Megan, Megan shrung?” she answered, holding her hand out.

               I stared at it for a while, unsure of what to do so I left it. Soon enough her hand retreated.

“And you are?” she asked back at me.

“Ella Mae,” I began, I didn’t have a last name so I took Devon’s, “Ella Mae Forest.”

              She nodded and I studied her features in depth. Her medium length brown hair brushed her shoulders and her eyes were a deep brown, designed for softening people up. She was small and skinny and her body slumped. All in all she was quite pretty but looked far younger than sixteen.

              We all headed inside and changed back into our uniform. She didn’t say a word to me so I didn’t say one back. To be honest I was expecting to be bitter towards her but I wasn’t. We sat on the grass in the warmth of the sun at break to talk.

“You’re not sixteen,” I began.

“Nope, fourteen, acting as if I was sixteen,” she told me back.

“But why?” I asked yet another question.

“Because I needed to talk to you?” she answered.


               She didn’t reply this time. I frowned and my eyebrows knitted themselves together. Why was she being so discreet? She took in her surrounding until I became impatient. What was I to expect, I’m a wolf, has there ever been a patient wolf?

“Just tell me,” I ordered, raising my voice slightly.

“Okay, I know you’re a werewolf…”

“Please don’t expose me,” I interrupted in a hurry.

“Don’t worry, any way, there’s a story I need to tell you but I’m only going to tell you if you agree to something,” she bargained.

“What?” I asked.

                She paused and bit her lip, beginning to gnaw on it slightly. She drew blood as the copper smell invaded my nose. I gave her a look and she stopped biting. What ever she wanted to tell me, it was big.

“Seriously, just tell me,” I urged.

“I need to be one of you,” she revealed.

“A werewolf?” I questioned.

                 She nodded. 

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