Chapter 31

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“Mummy!” Maisie barked, “Mum!”

            Megan picked the pup up and cradled her before she could go on a runner.

“Devon, we have to move!” I ordered.

“No!” he growled back..

“But they’re coming for us!” I screamed.

            He stood still, glued to his position. My eyes automatically rolled and I rammed my shoulder into his, he wobbled where he was for a second before he turned and ran. Ally gave me a mournful look before running after him and I followed, breaking into a sprint. Megan phased into her wolf and we all exited the building. We arrived in an open area, surrounded by a tall concrete wall. A huff left me as my back legs sprung me high and over the wall. I landed firm on two feet and watched as Megan, Ally and Devon bounded over the wall, Maisie hanging from Megan’s mouth. Just as I was about to leave, Devon let out a howl, mourning the death of his mother. I sent him a mournful look but there was a cold hard layer covering his eyes.

            We all changed back into our human forms and Devon glanced back at the building. I placed a gently hand on his shoulder and he meek smile took his face. Megan gave me a look to say that we needed to move. I knew that, she knew that, everyone knew that except Maisie and Devon.

“Devon,” I said softly, “we need to move.”

“No,” Devon opposed, “We stay here, she is coming”

“Okay, but lets settle in the trees, they won’t see us up there.”

            He nodded and we all climbed us to rest on the branches. I leant against a thick tree trunk and closed my eyes, thinking about everything that had happened. The whole rescue mission, the torture which would haunt my dreams and then, they gunshot and the realization that we were stupid to think she was coming back because she isn’t.

            Devon sat on the edge of the branch. Maisie perched quietly on his lap. Ally and Megan sat next to me on a thick branch, watching both Devon and Maisie carefully. I grabbed both Megan’s and Ally’s hands. Megan was the first to break the silence by whispering in my ear.

“How long are we going to wait?” she asked, lowering her voice to make sure she couldn’t be heard.

“However long it takes,” I told her.

“For what?” She asked.

“For him to realise, both of them.”

“So you think she’s gone?”

            I just nodded. Megan rested her head on my shoulder and Ally shed a single tear. Devon’s and Maisie’s voice hit my ears, they were singing a song together. It was a lullaby, a soothing piece of music. I recognised the tune; I’ve heard it many times in my time with the Forest family. They continuously sung the song through the night. The sun set and it came up again, casting rays of hope across the landscape.

            Men came looking for us but they only checked the ground, not the air. And by the time it was dark again we were all getting pretty restless. Midnight had gone again and we all wanted to leave, except for Devon.

“Can we just go?” Megan asked.

“No, she’s coming now,” Devon argued against her.

“She’s not coming,” I said softly.

“Yes she is,” he growled.

“Devon, she was shot.”

“You don’t get it,” he finally snapped, “You never had any family to loose. All you had was a stupid pack.”

“A stupid pack!” I shouted, I was outraged now, “They were my family. My real family were shot, by the FBI, I never knew them. And in my time, I have out lived two packs, my only lasting companion, Ally, but I got lonely. Now don’t go thinking I don’t have sympathy, because I do.”

            I took a long breath and exhaled slowly. Ally jumped down and everyone followed. Megan rested a hand on my shoulder and I smiled.

“The sun comes up, it’s a new day dawning, it’s time to move on.”

            Devon took a mournful look back at the building with a sigh.

“But what do we do now?” 

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