Shopping Trip

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Robin's POV:

"So where to first?" Dan asked. We were stood awkwardly in the middle of the shopping centre. I couldn't believe how nice Dan had been. Coming out had always been one of my worst nightmares. Luckily before this I'd never had to. 'When I was a girl', I was straight. Which means I'm a gay guy. "I don't really know. I've never been shopping when I've bought guys clothes. Where do you think we should go?" I asked. Dan thought for a moment. "Right, let's go to H&M and then Hot Topic. Afterwards I have a surprise for you," Dan told me. I nodded but was really confused. "Yeah, that sounds cool. What's my surprise?" I asked. Sometimes if I asked nicely enough, Dan would spill. "I know what you're doing and I'm not telling you," he replied. I sighed but went along with it. We both then walked towards H&M.

Dan's POV:
"Okay. Total is £237.50," the cashier said. I pulled out my wallet and prepared to pay. "Dad please let me help. I didn't know it would be so expensive," Robin said. I smiled at how sweet he was being. "Robin don't worry. This is for you. I want to," I told him while giving him a hug. Then I payed and we grabbed the bags. We walked out of the shop and towards Hot Topic. As we walked in Robin froze. Stood near the back of the shop, was one of his idols. Brendon Urie. Robin kept looking from his shirt to Brendon. That's when I realised he was wearing a P!ATD t-shirt. "Hey Robin. You wanna say hi?" I asked whilst grinning. Before he had the chance Brendon noticed us. "OH MY GOD! WHAT ARE THE FUCKING CHANCES!" Brendon yelled happily. Robin was just stood in shock as Brendon walked over to us. "Hi," he said. "Hello Brendon. I'm Dan and this is my son Robin. He's one of your biggest fans," I told him. Robin started to go bright red. "Well it's nice to meet you Robin. I hope to see you again," Brendon said. "Well um...we're coming to your concert tonight," Robin replied. Brendon smiled and said,"I look forward to it." Then he gave Robin a hug and left Hot Topic.

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