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"Are you sure you've never worked around horses before?" Red O'Malley, as Blake had soon learned his last name, said while he leaned against the stall door to watch as Blake hung the haynet up on the stall bars while Garnet -the horse who's stall she was in- ate away at it making it difficult for Blake to tie.

"Yeah, why?" She asked as the mare pushed her over to get better access to the food.

"Because Garnet has not eaten in a week," Red told her as he pointed at the mare. "We were worried we might have to start forcing her to eat."

"Why is that?" Blake eyed the mare before pushing her out of the way so that she could finally finish tying up the net and let the horse eat in peace.

"Dunno," replied Red as he opened the stall door and moved to let her walk out. "She just stopped eating one day and we tried everything we could. Then she started to get a little aggressive and wouldn't let anyone in her stall. We've been trying to contact her owner, but no luck."

"Her owner is missing?" Blake closed the door behind her and locked it. "How is that possible?"

"Well if you knew Veronica you wouldn't find it at all unusual."

"How awful, how can you just abandon such a beautiful creature?" She asked, her blood starting to boil as she looked at Garnet. No wonder the poor horse was uneasy when she first arrived, she is missing her owner.

"Dunno," he shrugged his shoulders and stuffed his hands back into his pockets. "No ones heard a word and her parents refuse to have anything to do with the horse. Though we won't be too worried now that you're here. I've never seen her take to anyone like that before."

Blake smiled, her blood no longer boiling as she walked beside Red down the aisle. As they rounded a corner still deep in conversation about Veronica's history, Blake nearly collided into someone.

"Woah," someone being a man. A tall man dressed in faded denim jeans with patches of dirt and grease staining them, a dirty white tee with a faded worn button up -that was not buttoned up- over it. Like Red, his skin was tan. Unlike Red, this man was much taller, his tan face showing signs that he had had some good years and now was facing some hard times. His blue eyes peered into hers, sad blue eyes, she noted.

He removed his hands that he had placed on her shoulders to keep her from colliding full on into him. She opened her mouth to speak, eyes wide, heart racing. Then she closed her mouth. What was she going to say? Sorry would probably be the first thing. Yet, nothing came out as she stared up at this man, frozen in place.

His eyes went from her to Red, who was standing beside them, an awkward smile on his face. Once he caught Max's eye and saw his brow raising in a quizzical manner, he opened his mouth to speak.

"Max," he held out his hands to speak with them. "This is Blake Whitmore, the new stable hand you hired. And Blake," he turned to her, "This is Max."

Max and Blake locked eyes once again, neither one speaking at first. Then Max cleared his throat as he extended his hand and opened his mouth to speak, "I see you've already met Red," And I see you have an accent, she thought as she stared into his blue eyes.

Blake suddenly realized she must have hesitated a little too long because she felt Red nudge her a little. "Oh," she removed her hand from Max's rough, warm hand and then turned to Red. "Yeah."

"She arrived earlier than expected," Red looked at her and smiled as he spoke to Max. "Been a great help, actually. She got Garnet to eat."

"Really?" There was no mistaking the sound of shock in his voice. "I could have sworn your parents said you've never been around horses in your life, how did you manage that?"

"I - uh," Blake closed her mouth as she looked directly at a speck of dirt on Max's shirt. Why was she suddenly so nervous? Her eyes suddenly dropped to his light brown boots when it registered with her. When was the last time she had been around any males other than family members?

"Right," Red spoke up sensing her hesitation was due to her awkwardness, "the stalls have been mucked out and the horses fed... well some. If you'll excuse me, I'll go bring in the others."

And with that, Red O'Malley quickly took off, not waiting for another word. Blake watched him as he glanced back before ducking into a room to retrieve what he needed to bring in the horses.

"So," Max cleared his throat again, bringing Blake's attention back to him. "Has he shown you around the place?

Blake glanced up, briefly meeting his gaze before looking around the stable. "Actually, I wandered around a bit when I first arrived and couldn't find anyone."

"Ah," replied Max, "Did you find the place alright?"

"My mom drove me, actually," and then she grew quiet as she tucked her hands into her back pockets again and sighed at the faint infuriating memory of being told to find her own way home. "Uhm, actually, you wouldn't happen to know anyone who lives out by me? I don't really have money for a cab and my mom said she couldn't pick me up."

He crossed his arms over his chest, leaned against the barn wall and thought about it before opening his mouth and saying, "I'll drive you home, don't worry."

Blake nodded her head and smile awkwardly, her gaze now dropping to the dull concrete flooring that had been scuffed and stained over the years. Or so she assumed it had been from over the constant wear and tear of the years. She took a deep breath, her heart still racing, her body temperature slowly rising, and sweat trickling down the back of her neck as she turned -her eye's on his chest- and said, "Thanks." She was indeed grateful to have a ride home, yet she was pretty sure she didn't sound it.

"Right," he cleared his throat again as if something had gotten caught in it, and then turned slightly. "Shall I show you the office then?" he asked as he extended his arm out in the direction toward a wall covered in glass. Blake followed his arm, nodded her head slowly and started to walk toward the office with Max following just a footstep behind her.

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