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"So, I was thinking homemade pizzas for dinner tonight?"

Blake sat down across from Max, a smile on her face. For the past week she had been living with Max at his place and she couldn't help but think life couldn't get any better.

"Homemade pizzas?" He raised a brow.

"Mm, well okay so we buy the dough and the ingredients," she started to laugh as he smiled at her. "But technically we are home making it."

"Very well," he closed the binder he had been going through filled with documents for Pine Hollow. "We will have homemade pizzas tonight."

"Homemade pizzas?"

Blake turned around in her chair and Max looked up to see Deborah standing in the door way, her arms crossed over her chest and a look of curiosity on her face.

"Yes," said Max as he stood up. Blake did as well, feeling the awkwardness surrounding her. "Blake is staying with me for the time."

"Oh!" Deborah looked surprised as she turned to Blake. "Really? I didn't know? What happened?"

"Ah, just got a bit too crowded at home," and then turning to Max, she said, "I'm going to go see if Red needs anything." And walked out of the office.

As she ventured into the aisle, Blake nearly ran into Mr. diAngelo, who appeared to have been in a hurry.

"Forgive me," the old man said as he smiled politely at Blake. "Oh, you're that Witmore girl who rode Garnet!"

"Yes, that's me," she replied with an awkward smile. "Is everything all right Mr. diAngelo?"

"Uh, well I was hoping to speak to Mr. Regnery," he told her.

"Max is currently in his office with his wife, but I'm sure Max wouldn't mind the intrusion if it's important."

"Well it's about Garnet," he admitted quietly. Blake felt her heart drop.

What could be so important about Garnet that required Mr. DiAngelo to come rushing in to find Max? Was Carole right? Did Veronica change her mind? Blake knew the girl wasn't showing up for lessons or even to see her horse, but she was just hoping it was because life got busy and not because she no longer wanted Garnet.

"I've sold her," he finally said. Blake stared at him, all expression vanishing from her face as she went pale.

"What?" She choked out.

"I know you are quite fond of her, and I know you took care of her -I'll be sure to pay you for that-, it's just that we have moved to Europe and bought Veronica a new horse. She no longer wants Garnet."

"Mr. diAngelo, had I known you were going to sell Garnet, I would have offered to buy her from you."

Blake jumped at the sound of his voice. How long had he been listening and when did he get there?

"I'm sorry Max, it was a last minute thing and the buyer is a close friend of mine. Had it been different, I would have gladly sold her to you."

She felt a hand resting gently on her shoulder. She turned her head slightly to see Max standing behind her.

"I understand," he said. "It's just that Blake, here, got along well with Garnet. It will be hard to see them part. When will she be leaving?"

"Today," he looked at his watch. "Now actually."

"I'll go get here then," Blake volunteered. She didn't miss the sad look Mr. DiAngelo gave her before she quickly darted off, tears clouding her vision, to collect Garnet.

"Everything alright, B?" Red popped his head out the stall neighboring Garnet's. She wiped away the tear that had rolled down her cheek and nodded her head. Unconvinced, Red opened the stall door just as she had closed Garnet's and appeared at it. "I know when something is bothering you, so spill."

Blake shook her head trying to force back tears. She ran her hand along the mare's neck and then hugged her, tears now dampening the mare's beautiful chestnut coat.

"Blake!" Red opened the stall door and hurried inside to pull her into his arms just as she was about to collapse.

"Mr. diAngelo," she sobbed, "Is-Is getting r-r-rid of Garnet!"

"What?" He sounded astonished. "Maybe Max can do something."

She shook her head and took a few deep breaths to steady herself. "Mr. diAngelo already sold her and the buyer should be here any second. I'm supposed to get her ready."

Red looked at Garnet who was now nuzzling Blake. She turned to the mare and hugged her again.

"Take your time with her," he said softly. "I'll try to stall as best as I can. Then bring her out when you're ready."

He patted the mare one last time before leaving Blake alone in the stall with her.

Knowing it was Max's reputation on the line, Blake spent little time saying goodbye to Garnet. When the mare refused to put on her halter, Blake smiled and assured her everything would be okay.

For the first time since Blake met Garnet, the mare gave her nothing but trouble. Blake knew Garnet was aware of what was going on. Horses were smart and could easily pick up on ones emotion and Garnet had surely picked up on her's.

"Sorry it's taken us so long," Blake said when she finally brought Garnet out of the barn. "She's being a little difficult today."

Blake handed the reins over to a gentleman almost as identical as Mr. diAngelo, but he was much slimmer and younger in age. As soon as Garnet was being led away -with much difficulty- Blake felt an arm around her shoulders and looked up to see Max beside her. He had been doing this a lot since they met, picking her up when she was down. She quickly realized with Garnet gone, Max was almost the only thing left in her life that truly made her happy.

"I'm truly sorry about this," Mr. diAngelo said more to Blake than anyone when Garnet was finally loaded up after refusing on multiple tries. "Max?"

"Right," Max cleared his throat and then looked down at Blake, "You can take the rest of the day off if you'd like. I'll stop into town on my way home."

She nodded her head slowly and smiled. "Yeah, I think it would be best for me to go home," and then turning to Mr. diAngelo, she said, "I understand, I just hope she will be happy in her new home."

He smiled and Max removed his arm from around her shoulder as both men disappeared back into the barn where they were to discuss further business.

"Well," Red appeared beside her, his hands in his pockets. "I expect to see you tomorrow then?"

"Huh?" She looked up at him. "Yeah sure. Later then."

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