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Puffy eyed and tired, Blake sat in her car in Pine Hollow's parking lot the following morning. Her sister was back, her perfect little sister that could do no wrong. As if life at home wasn't worse as it was, no Alex was back to make life even worse.

There was a tap at the window, Blake rubbed her eyes quickly and looked up to see Max staring at her through the glass, a large smile on his face.

"Morning," he said as she opened the door and stepped out of her car.

She nodded her head slowly, turned away from him and reached back into her car to reach for her wallet, phone, and keys. Blake backed away to close her car door and began walking toward the barn. Behind her, Max followed, his smile fading as he watched Blake.

"Everything alright?" He asked, jogging a little to keep up with her pace as they entered the stables.

"Huh?" She looked as if she had been in a daze, her eyes still bloodshot. "Yeah, I'm fine."

Not convinced, Max placed both hands on her shoulder and stirred her in the direction of the office. Behind them, he closed the door to give them some privacy. He then led her to his chair where he sat her down and then sat opposite her on his desk.

"What's wrong?" He demanded.

"Miss perfect is back," she nearly spat.

"Your sister?"

"Who else?"

Silence filled the small barn office as Max ran a hand over his face and sat forward. His blue eyes on Blake as he studied her for some time before finally coming to his conclusion.

"Do you remember my offer?" He asked her. Her head lifted slightly, confusion etched on her face.

"What offer?"

"I told you that you were more than welcome to come stay with me if you ever needed a place," he reached for her hands, taking them into his. "That offer still stands."

Blake lowered her gaze and retracted her hands from his. "I wouldn't want to put you out," she told him quietly.

"Nonsense," he stood up, smiling and raised her to her feet. "After work, we will swing by and collect your things. I also look forward to meeting - Valeera, was it?"

"Yes," she replied with a small smile.

"That's better," he told her as he pulled her into a hug. "You're a special girl, Blake, it pains me to see you upset."

"I didn't mean to worry you," she whispered against his chest.

Max nodded his head, squeezing her one last time and kissing the top of her head out of habit. He paused for a moment, wondering why he had done it but simply brushed it under the rug.

"Oh," Blake pulled back from their hug to look at him. "How did things go with Deb?"

"Ah," he smiled and looked down at his boots before back up at her. "She said she'd consider it, but not to get my hopes up."

"Max," Blake's smile faded and was replaced with a look of concern. "What if she does say no?"

"We'll cross that bridge when we get to it," he said. "Now, I believe there are horses to be fed and stalls to be mucked."

"I'm on it," she smiled up at him again. "Thank you Max, I mean it."

Passion » Max RegneryWhere stories live. Discover now