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Beneath Blake Witmore, she could feel as the large mammal began to lift off the ground and soar over the jump with such ease Blake nearly believed she was in fact flying.

"Holy cow!" She said when all four legs were back on the ground and she safely still in the saddle. Garnet turned toward the sound of clapping, which had brought Blake down from her cloud.

"That was amazing, Blake!"

Garnet slowed to a walk before coming to a complete halt in front of their audience. Red had been the first to approach and give Garnet a much needed patting since Blake was still in shock.

It seemed Max and Deborah had finished their conversation because Deb stood beside Carole, and Max was more closer to the gate than them. But that wasn't exactly what caught Blake off guard, it was the blonde haired girl with a large old man beside her staring at Garnet. With one look at both Red and Carole, Blake realized who that girl was.

She quickly dismounted with the help of Red, ran up the stirrups, and pulled the reins over Garnet's head to used them as a lead.

"Veronica diAngelo?" Blake asked as the girl approached.

"Yes, and this is my father," her eyes were still on Garnet. Mr. diAngelo held out his hand, which Blake gladly took and shook it. "Garnet looks wonderful!"

"Yes, and thanks to Blake here, we are still very fortunate to have Garnet here with us today," It seemed Max wasted no time get directly to the point.

"Perhaps, Max, maybe you and Mr. diAngelo can go talk privately in your office while Veronica and Garnet can have some time together?"

Blake looked from Deb to Max to read his expression. As much as it looked like it pained him to do, he very much agreed with Deb and escorted the elder man into the stables.

"Where were you for four weeks?" Carole asked when Max and Mr. diAngelo were out of earshot. She was no longer sitting on the fence, but standing beside Deb, facing Veronica.

"In Europe, of course," she replied as if it was something everyone should have known.

"And you didn't think to tell anyone you'd be gone for four weeks?"

Veronica rolled her eyes and sighed. "It's not like it was planned. If anything, unexpected."

"Well I am going to check in on how things are going with Max and Frank," Deb said with a sweet smile. "Amazing work you three." And then she took off before any one could say anything else.

"So, would you like to take Garnet or would you prefer me to get her cleaned up and back in her stall?"

Veronica shook her head and then walked over toward the gate where she opened it. "It's fine, I can take her. After all I owe it to you for being the one person in this place who knows how to take care of my horse properly."

As Veronica approached Blake and Garnet, Garnet twitched her ears forward for a second before pinning them back and raising her head. Blake kept her grip on the reins firmly as she fought to bring the mare's head down.

"What's wrong with her?" Veronica asked.

"She probably remembers how you abandoned her for four weeks," commented Carole.

Veronica shot her a nasty look before turning back to Garnet. "Garnet, it's me, your owner," she said as the mare backed away and tried to free herself from Blake's grip. "Why can't you control my horse? Here, give me those!"

Blake was shoved out of the way, forcing her to lose her grip on the reins. Veronica, however, managed to snatch them up, which only seemed to upset Garnet even more.

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