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She was home now, well in Max's home, curled up on the couch with Valeera snuggled in her arms. Max had given her the rest of the day off since Garnet had been sold and taken away from Pine Hollow forever. At first, she had wanted to protest, but after giving it much thought, being at Pine Hollow was just too painful. So she came home to Valeera, laid on the couch where she cried for some time and then fell asleep. 

Now she was awake, the television on playing some weird reality show on some station Max must have been watching the night before. It was a quarter after eight and Max was still not home. She knew he'd probably be a little late, what with her going home and then having to stop into town for dinner. 

Valeera jumped up at the sound of tires on gravel, which Max had a gravel driveway -must of had a deal- and hopped off the couch to run to the door. Blake sat up, removing the blanket she was wrapped in and got up off the couch. 

As she was making her way to the door, it opened and she heard not only Max's laughter but a woman's as well. She froze as Max entered the house, looked up and smiled at her, and then stepped out the way to let the woman in. 

She entered, wearing the same thing she wore earlier that day when she had arrived to speak to Max in his office. "Hello," she said in a polite, cheerful voice as Max closed the door behind her. 

"Hello?" she felt her brows furrowing and looked to Max. 

"Oh, right, sorry I meant to call earlier but I forgot," he said as he took the bag Deborah was holding and started to walk toward the kitchen with Valeera in tow. 

"Max and I are getting back together," Deb said immediately when Max didn't finish. 

"Oh," Blake was sort of shocked. She hadn't expected this to happen. "Well, congrats then." 

"Thank you," she said with a smile and then entered the kitchen. Blake followed Deborah. 

"So I got the dough, sauce, and ingredients. I didn't exactly know what you wanted so I went with a little of everything." Max said to her while unloading the groceries from their bags. 

"Uhh," Blake looked down at the counter, today seemed have gone from bad to worse. "I'm not really hungry, I'll just... go to my room. You two have a lovely dinner," she forced a smile and looked up. "Night." 

Blake turned and called for Valeera before leaving the kitchen and walking down the hall leading to the only other bedroom in the house aside from Max's. Well, the only available bedroom. The other room had belonged to his mother and Max was still not ready to clean it out yet. 

In her room, she placed the little ball of tan and white fluff on her twin sized bed and sat down. It was dark in her room since the sun had gone down and she didn't bother with the light on her way in. It was better this way, in the dark. She could hear Leera, her collar jingling while she situated herself under the plaid patterned sheets that were on the bed. 

So Max and Deb were officially back together now. She should have seen it, right? And why wasn't she happy about it? Max was happy, right? Shouldn't that make her happy knowing he finally got what he wanted? But why was she in her room, in the dark, silently crying? Why did it hurt so much? Did she honestly think she stood a chance and that he liked her because he offered her a place to stay while she didn't want to return home? 

And where was she to go now? Surely Deb wouldn't want her to stay there while they lived the happy married life... and surely she didn't want to stay there and witness that. 

Blake sucked in a deep shaky breath and tilted her head back. Even though it sucked at home, least she'd be invisible and wouldn't have to listen as Deb giggled at whatever Max told her. 

She laid back on the bed, careful to avoid Valeera. It was decided. Tomorrow after Max left, she'd pack up her things and head on home. There was no sense in staying here when she was no longer welcomed. Well, Max would have always welcomed her, she just knew it was Deb who would find a way to get her out the house. 

In the dark, she reached for her phone and the headphones resting on the night table. She plugged in the headphones while she turned on Pandora and she laid there while the saddest songs played on her radio. Of course, Pandora, she thought as she cried and buried her face into her pillow, You would play them when I need it. 

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