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"Winchester?" He looked at her. "When and why did you name him Winchester?"

Blake shrugged her shoulders and looked at him. "Dunno, just felt natural and he liked it, so we went with it."

"Amazing," he chuckled and leaned back against the tree.

"And as for neglecting him, I'm sorry." She looked away from Max. "It's just been a little hard bringing myself to return to Pine Hollow with her around."

"I don't think she'll be coming around anymore," he said. "Least I don't see why she would need to."

"Did she leave you?"

Max shook his head, a smile slowly forming. "I left her."

"I don't understand, I know you said you were falling for me and all but it's a little hard to believe when you were head over heels with Deb and so determined to win her back. Why did you suddenly change your mind?"

"I guess," he looked down at his boots. "I guess sometimes you are given what you want so that you can see what you really need."

"And you need me?"

"There are things you've shown me that I never knew I was missing." Max looked up at her and gazed into her eyes. "I can't deny that I ever loved Deb, there was a time when she was a good woman who loved me, but,"

"Times changed and you both grew apart," she slowly bobbed her head and then leaned to her right to readjust her leg. "But what made you realize Deb was no longer for you?"

"Well, after Winchester, she would constantly start fights over the littlest thing. And of course there was that incident when he tried to bite her and she screamed at me for weeks to sell him. Eventually she kicked me out of my own room."

"But that is your house."

"I know," he said. "But what made me realize that things were different was this unusual mug in my cabinet."

"Unusual mug?" Blake gasped and slapped her forehead. "I was wondering where that went."

"Still in my cabinet if you ever decide to come over."

"You can always just give it back, Max."

"Now why would I do that?"

"Dunno," she leaned back against the tree, tilted her head and looked over at him. "Because it's mine?"

"But it's in my house," he was smiling as he looked back at her.

"Are you saying I have to come to your house and get it?"

Max stood up, brushed away the dirt and grass from his jeans, placed the helmet back on his head and walked over to untie Winchester. "Maybe."

"Hey, what are you doing?" She scrambled to her feet as he mounted the mustang.

"Don't worry," Blake watched as he moved back in the saddle and removed his feet from the stirrups. "I'm not leaving you behind."

He extended out his hand to help her as she struggled to mount up on Winchester with Max half in the saddle. She struggled even more to sit when she had finally gotten up.

"Good, I've been out here since dawn and I really didn't feel like walking back."

"How did you even get here?" He asked as he commanded Winchester to walk forward.

"I walked, for miles. My legs ache so badly."


"Thank goodness you're back," was the first thing out of Red's mouth when he came jogging out of the stables. "I tried your cell, the phone has been ringing nonstop today."

"What's happened?" Max inquired as he dismounted.

"Dunno," Red shrugged his broad shoulders. "They just requested you and told me to have you call back."

"Huh," Max turned to help Blake ease down from the horse. "You'll be alright to take him in?"

"Yeah," she looked up at him. "Go, I understand you won't always have time for the little people like me."

Max stared down at her, a smile curving his lips. "You are quite little," he teased. When she pouted up at him, he chuckled before ruffling her hair and then taking off for his office.

"I see everything worked out," said Red.

"Yeeah, something like that," she took Winchester's reins in her hands and led him over toward the stables entrance. "We'll see in time."

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