Rainbow Warrior for Titans {Chapter 7}

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Spells and Motherly Advice

Apparently Aeolus’s palace was above Pikes Peak, yeah Colorado rocky mountain Pikes Peak. So we decided to take the train, since Conan had learned to control the mist, well a little. He made my 10 dollar bills look like 100’s to pay for the tickets. Now we just had to get to the train station.  

Conan had an all day free bus pass card. I didn’t know those sort of things existed, but every time we needed a ride he’d show it to the bus driver, and we’d get to go anywhere for however long we needed. When we got to the train station Conan took my money and bought the tickets. And before I knew it we were sitting in the train on our way to Colorado Springs.

Conan was staring out the window watching the countryside, and we’d been sitting in silence for a while, maybe an hour now.  

 “So, I asked breaking the silence. You can control the mist?”

 “No.” he answered, gazed still fixed out the window.

 “But my ten dollar bills and that bus card earlier.”

 “Just a little magic, nothing impressive,” he mumbled out the window.

I tried to think of something to say, to make the ride feel not too awkward,

 “Um, did Hecate teach you to use magic, or did you figure it out yourself?”

Conan breathed in deeply as if I hit a touchy subject.

 “Both, But I figured it most of it out gradually. Look Kate, I don’t want to talk right now”

I slumped back in my chair, geez, I thought to myself. What’s up with him he was all cool earlier. Fighting monsters and standing up for me. I stretched and yawned, the train ride was really making me super tired. Was it really a good Idea to have Conan with me? But before I could think about it anymore I fell deep in sleep.

Conan was still awake sitting, starring out the window. When he was sure Kate was asleep, he sat up leaned forward and placed one of his hand on Kate’s forehead, he placed his other hand on his temples.

His hands began to have a purplish glow around them, like earlier in Chicago.

 “Don’t worry Kate, he spoke. I just need you to understand who I am.”

His face went pale, like whatever magic spell casting he was doing, it was taking a large amount of his energy.

 “Katanoí ste igétis mou.” he spoke weakly, barely able to get the words out.

Conan flopped into his seat facing Kate’s and sighed shakily,

 “Gods there’s got to be an easier way to do that.”

His stomach rumbled, tapping into dreams isn’t his forte, but he had the do it.

 “There is an easier way Conan.” A woman’s voice cold and haunting yet inviting it made you want to listen more. “If you’d just let me teach you.”

Smoke blanketed the floor of the passenger compartment car, and the room immediately had an eerie unfamiliarity to it, but Conan knew exactly who the woman was.

 “Hecate,” he gritted. “Why are you here?”

 “You influenced her dreaming just now, didn’t you?” Hecate Asked.

 “Yes, so what if I did?” Conan mumbled back.

 “You’ve shown her Kronos haven’t you?” she hoped.

 “I do what I want, Now go away!” Conan demanded.

 “Conan, Hecate spoke gently yet firmly. Please don’t talk to me that way; we could be a team a wonderful, powerful team, in all our own league, and doing as we please. Kronos has promised me respect and power over the Gods who have rejected me and my children. Make sure she knows the truth, she can join us!”

Conan gathered himself and cleared his throat “I have everything under control here.”

 “All right fine just gets some sleep deary; you’ll need your energy very soon. And try to control your bipolarity better, It be hard for her to trust you if she found out.” And with that Hecate turned and began to leave.

 “Mom, Conan began softly, as Hecate was beginning to disappear in a cloud of dark purple mist. You’re too late on trying to spend time with me.”

When all traces of her visit had vanished, he himself began to drift off to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2012 ⏰

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