Carly Mason: Stoll My Heart

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"Travis Stoll, please proceed to the principal's office." a voice from the speaker said.

"What did you do this time?" I ask, turning to my friend.

Travis grins at me then winks, "You'll see." he got up from his chair then walk out the door.

I shook my head with a small smile. Travis is a prankster in our school. Him and his brother, Connor, actually but he's sick for today.

Travis is one of my best friends. He always makes me laugh even if I'm not sad. His a great guy. I really wish he'd ask me out.

I mean, I'm nice and pretty enough with red straight hair, up to my shoulders and almond eyes. Sure, I might dress up like a guy with over sized shirts but I can be pretty if I want to. I'm not smart; I'm flunking a few subjects. Travis isn't better though. He gets big, fat, F's all the time. He doesn't listen in class and is always causing trouble.

But, it was strange how he actually aces Greek Mythology. The dude flunks everything except that. How can he flunks everything but be great in one? It doesn't make sense. It's like his mind is high wired to that subject.

I was snap back my thoughts by the teacher. "Ms. Mason, is there something interesting that you would like to share with us?"

I shook my head, blushing. I can't believe I was called. The teacher arch and eyebrow but continued her lesson.

A crumpled paper was thrown at my table. I unwrap it and read the note.

Thinking about Travis?

I glance at my right to see Lisa smirking at me. She was the only one who knew I like Travis.

I took out a pen and wrote my reply: He has a girlfriend.

Then I threw it back at her.

As much as it hurts, I knew I couldn't steal Travis from another girl. That's just wrong. It shouldn't even been done. I could never do that.

The crumpled paper was thrown at my table again.

I heard from Connor that him and his girlfriend broke up.

My eyes widen. Could it be? Maybe this is my chance. But, I'm not sure yet. I'll ask Travis later. When he says they are, I'm going to make my move.


"So Travis," I started.

"So Carly," he mimics. I slap his head but a small smile was on my face. How can he makes me smile?

"Shut up. I'm trying to be serious."

"Being serious isn't really my thing." he told me.

"Can you shut up and let me ask my question?"

"Fire away."

I took a deep breath. "I heard from Lisa that she heard from Connor that. . ." I trailed off.

"That?" he urge but I see a little uncertainly in his eyes. Maybe he knows what I'm going to say.

"You and your girlfriend broke up." I finish. I saw his usual blue eyes sadden. How could that girl break up with him? Travis is amazing!

"Oh." he says, simply.

"Yeah." I replied. I saw his eyebrows scrunch up together like his thinking about why the girl broke up with him. "You okay?"

He turned to me and his mischievous grin came back. "Yup."

"Do you have any idea why she broke things off?" I ask, curiously. I know this is nosy but I just want to know. How could some girl break up with a great guy like Travis?

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