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"You not gone speak?" I asked

"Kamiya." Mr. Price said in a demanding voice

"Sorry." I said

He finished his speech and everyone stood from their seats. I walked right up to her but was stopped my guns being held to my face

"Hey!" Mr. Price said

They lowered the gun and I looked at my mother.

"You wanna explain this?" I asked

"You don't understand." She said

"What isn't there to understand? You're married mom, you have a whole other family." I said

"Can we leave?" She asked the man

"We struggle so fuckin much and you just leave. Are you even really poor or do you just act that way when you're around us?" I asked

"I didn't want you to grow up being those spoiled kids like me and my sister." She said

"So you would rather us starve?!" I yelled.

"I don't have time for this." She said trying to get past me

"Nah you got time. Were you really out suckin and fuckin for money?" I asked

"No." She said

"So what were you doing Pam?" I asked

"The only man I was suckin and fuck was my husband. We have a house out here that I go in when ever I get bored with you two." She said

"Bored? We're your children." I said

"I know but sometimes I need something different." She said

"You know what? It's fine we don't need you anyway. We don't need your money or your support. I already graduated and Jamilas gonna graduate and we're going to me more successful that you'll ever be." I said wiping my tears.

"I didn't want to hurt you." She said

"Jamilas 16! Who the fuck is going to raise her?! I'm 18 years old Pam. I'm just getting into the real world. I can't do this shit on my own." I said

"I'm sorry." She said

"Fuck your apologies bitch." I said

"Hey." Her husband said

"And you shut the fuck up. I bet you knew all along what was going on. But you just sat yo ass back and watched her starve her kids. You just as bad as her." I told him.

He doesn't respond.

"Cam take her somewhere." Mr. Price said

"Come on." Cameron said grabbing me

"No she fucked up our lives and all she can say is sorry?" I asked

"Kamiya! Stop it! You don't need her nor do you need him. You and your sister have been family to us since we met you and just because of this you will always be good with us. I consider you both my daughter in laws anyway. And I will always treat you both as if you were family." Mr. Price said

I wipe my face.

"Now please leave and let me talk with them." He said

I nodded before turned and leaving. Jamila followed me and I went into the living room.

"He wants you both upstairs." Mikah said

Jamila walk up first and I follow. She goes into Mikah room and I follow Cam into his.

I lay out on the bed and stare at the ceiling.

"Miya?" He said

"What?" I asked

"My dad was right. You don't need your mother, you have us and we treat family good. No matter what happens to me and you or Jamila and Mikah you both will always be good." He said

"It's not even about that Cam. My mother had a whole other family. They out living luxury while we living in an apartment on the worst side of town." I said

"But look at you now? In a million dollar mansion with a fine ass light skin." He said

"Shut up. That's not my house." I said laughing a little.

"But your staying in it. And you can stay as long as you want. You and Jamila but Mikah gotta go." He said

I laughed

"Look at you having a good heart." I said

"I told you, I'm going to change." He said

"Don't do it for me. Do it for yourself and for the right reason." I said

"I will." He said

He leaned over and kissed me.

"Didn't I say we ain't to that step yet?" I asked

"Oops." He said

"Oops my ass." I said.

Mr. Price

"Pam, Mark. Is this all true?" I asked

"They aren't my kids." Mark said

"But you knew that your wife's children were starving and you didn't do shit to help!?" I asked

"Anthony they don't understand." Pam says.

"You know what? You just keep doing your job for me and I'll do what I do. You lady are signing over your rights." I tell Pam.

"I already did. Kamiya is the legal guardian of Jamila." She said

"You disgust me. I would never give up my right to any of my boys. Everyone need a parent or a parent figure. You don't have to worry about them anymore. They're under my care and will be well taken care of." I said

"I don't want them selling drugs." She said

"You got some fuckin nerve to come and tell me what you want them to do! You left them in that broke down ass apartment to fuckin die! I wouldn't put them in the game anyway!" I yelled

"Ant yo-" I cut Mark off

"Get these muthafuckas outta my presence." I said

My people walked them out and I sit back.

"Some people don't deserve kids." I said to myself


Kamiya cried herself asleep on my chest. Seeing what she's been through really makes me feel bad for what I did. I didn't do anything but put more on her plate.

But I will change for the better. I'll be the man she's always wanted and need. She will never have to struggle in her life or go hungry.

If she lets me cuff her I'll treat her like a princess. Hell even if she doesn't I still will because she deserves it.

She'll be my princess.


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