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Cam was walking me out of the house when we heard a gun click. I turned to the sound and saw a man holding a gun towards Cams head.

"You killed my homeboys and you and yo sister jumped my brother. I should kill both of you muthafuckas right now." The man said

"But I want your bitch." The man said.

The gun went off and Cameron fell to the ground holding his shoulder. I tried to run back in the house but the guy grabbed my hair and yanked me down.

"Where you think you going lil mama? The fun ain't start yet." He said

I started to scream and then something hit my head and I blacked out.


After we heard the gunshots I took Jamila to the closet and we ran downstairs. I saw Cameron laying on the ground in blood.

"Shit." My Dad said bending down beside him.

"Where Kamiya?" I asked

"He took...her." Cameron said

"Fuck!" I said

"Calm down. Jeff take Jamila to my mother house and guard her with your life. If anything happens to her it will be hell to pay. And take her out the back, I don't want her to see this." My Dad said

Jeff nodded and ran upstairs.

"Mikah call Dr. Newport." He told me.

I dialed the number and he answered quick. He said he would be over here in 7 minutes.

"If he's after Cameron why take Kamiya and only shoot Cameron?" I asked my dad

"I don't think this is about Wayne or Cameron anymore son. It's something way deeper." He said


I woke up on grass. I looked around and saw that I was outside in someone's backyard. I lifted my body up from the ground and tried to stand. But I couldn't feel my legs, they were both really numb. A bright light came on and I squinted my eyes.

A figure came up to me with a deep smile. He stood over and and began to pull his pants down. I quickly try to push him away put my hands were tied. I tried to back away but the fence was blocking me from freedom.

He grabbed my hair and yanked it back. I looked up at him and he smirked. He forced himself into my mouth and I gagged. He kept thrusting himself into my mouth and my eyes began to water. He tried to force it down my throat and my throat begun to burn. I bit down on it and he jumped back.

He yanked my head up before slapping me.

"I should kill you bitch." He said before sending a punch to my mouth. I fell back as far as I could and cried. My throat burns and my mouth is bloody and burning.

I don't deserve this.


I walked back into my home after getting sucked up by Cameron's hoe. I saw Lyric sitting on my couch naked. I snatched her up by her hair and threw her to the couch. I thrusted myself in her and she screamed. I only smiled because I love giving people pain.

She begged me to stop and let her go home but I won't because she's my property. Kayla sold her to me for $500. She's truly a dumb bitch to give up her sister for that cheap. But I'm not complaining I got a fuck buddy.


After getting the bullet removed I met with my dad and Mikah. I was beyond mad. When I find that nigga I'm gonna make his suffer more than the slaves did. Him and whoever else helped him is going to go through hell before actually getting there.

I looked at Mikah and he was red in the face and shaking a little. I know Kamiya is a mother figure to him and I know how it is to lose a mother.

"Are you listening?" My Dad asked him.

Mikah just nodded not saying a word.

"You both need to remain calm. I know Kamiya meant something to you both but if we want to get her back you have to be calm and listen to the plan" he said

Me and Mikah just nodded.

"I have some men tracking down them now. The jacket Kamiya was taken in had a tracker. I was afraid something like this would happen so I gave her it. When we find her location I'm going in first. He's playing smart and sending in other as bait. He's smart but I'm smarter. After I go in I'm going to act like I don't know anything about what happen. When I do you and Mikah will go through the back and find Kamiya. I want you two to leave an-" Mikah cut him off.

"Why we gotta leave? He took Cams girl and he took my sister. You should be the one to leave and leave the Nigga with us." Mikah said

"This is a grown man not some boy from school." My Dad said.

"It doesn't matter he took somebody important to all of us. You not about to be the only one to do something about it." Mikah said

"Son I'm doing what's best." My Dad said

"The best thing to do is to let me and Mikah handle it. I'm grown and he grown. He could be doing god know what to her. Aint no way in hell imma just leave and not touch him." I finally say

"I'm proud of you. Both of you. I know I wasn't the best father but you grew up to be good young men. Malik will come with you though. No if ands or buts about this. He's done shit like this many times." He said

"That's fine, as long as I touch the nigga I'm good." I said sitting back in my chair.

I look at my phone and see the picture of me and Kamiya. It ain't even been long and I miss my baby. This nigga don't know who he fuckin with forreal.


"What are you doing?" I asked my husband.

He quickly put his laptop down and turn to me.

"Nothing baby." He said standing.

"Lemme see then." I said

"No it doesn't concern you." He said

"I will put you in jail tonight if you don't show me what the fuck you were doing." I said

He sigh before moving aside. I opened the laptop and looked at it. He had messages between him and some guy named Nicck.

Mark- You got her?

Nicck- Yeah, she already sucked me up.

Mark- You fuck her yet?

Nicck- Nah you already paid me for it.

Mark- Good, when you bring her I want her to be pure so I can break her in.

Nicck- 500k and I'll bring her tonight.

Mark- I already gave you 700k just to get her. I'll wait

I looked back at him.

"What the fuck is this?" I asked

"A girl wants a threesome with us. And she wants us to take her virginity." He said

"You need to let me know shit like this." I said

He grabbed my ass and pulled me into a kiss. We aren't nasty we just freaks.


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