Story 1

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~ Connor's POV ~

Why isn't he home yet? He gets out at 5, he should've been here by now.

"Connor, I'm home!", says Oliver opening their apartment door.
"It's about time. Where were you?", asked Connor coming into the living room to greet his boyfriend.
"Were you worried?", questioned Oliver with a smirk.
"As if! I'm just hungry and I was waiting on you to make dinner", replied Connor.
"So what you're saying is you needed me to come home so I could take care of my 5'10 child?"
"Yeah, yeah... don't avoid my question, where were you?"
"Oh, just a few of us went out with the new intern to welcome him"
"New intern?"
"Yeah, this new guy in the IT department. He just started last week"
"IT huh? So, he's working with you? What's his name?"
"Finn... and why are you so interested?"
"No reason... so what's for dinner?"
"Oh I ate already. We had chinese"
"So you ate without me? What am I supposed to eat? We have no groceries!"
"I'm sorry... but I can make it up to you", said Oliver looking over at Connor seductively.

Oliver took off his suit jacket and walked across the room towards Connor who was waiting for his lips impatiently. They kissed passionately, letting their hands explore each other's bodies, and slowly started inching their way to the bedroom. His lust for Oliver made Connor forget how hungry he was, and he just couldn't tear himself apart from his hot naked boyfriend.


Connor woke up the next morning to the sound of the bathroom door opening as Oliver came out dressed in only a towel around his waist. The alarm clock on his nightstand table read 6:17 am.

"Jeez, why are you up so early?", asked Connor, his head feeling a little groggy.
"I gotta get to work", replied Oliver grabbing a dress shirt out of his closet.
"You start work in like 2 hours. Come here", said Connor reaching over to hug Oliver's waist and invite him into the sheets with him.
"Oh my God, aren't you tired from last night?", said Oliver with a blushing smile.
"I'm never too tired for you. C'mon, stay in bed with me Ollie", begged Connor.
"I want to. I promise I really do, but I can't today. I have to train the new guy", replied Connor putting on the last of his outfit.
"Who? Finn?"
"Yeah I have to go in early to show him the back-end of our website"
"Is there no one else in the company that can show him that?"
"Well since he's kind of my shadow for now, I think that kind of falls under my job"
"Ugh... You know if you turn me down for morning sex today I'm turning you down for morning sex for the rest of the week"
"Ha! Yeah like you could go that long. I don't know if you know this Connor but you're a little slutty. Anyways, I'm sorry but I have to go. How about you meet me after work at my office and we'll go across the street to the bar?", suggested Oliver.
"Yeah ok... but still no morning sex for the rest of the week"
"Yeah, yeah. I'll just have to change your mind later", said Oliver as he was heading towards the door.
"Can I get a goodbye kiss at least?", shouted Connor still wrapped in bed sheets.


It was 5:00pm on the dot and Connor was taking the elevator up to Oliver's office to meet up with him after work like they'd agreed. The elevator opened in front of Oliver's door and Connor could see a tall, dark-haired, good-looking man sitting right next to his boyfriend and looking over his shoulder at a computer screen.

Who the hell is this?! Is this Finn? Are you kidding me? This guy's a model. And what are they even laughing at? Code isn't funny.

Connor lightly knocked on Oliver's glass door. It seemed the two men on the other side had been too distracted to notice him standing there and eavesdropping.

"Hey you made it", said Oliver excitedly as he opened his door. "Come meet Finn! Finn this is my boyfriend Connor, Connor this is Finn"
"Hey!", said Finn shaking Connor's hand. "I've only known Oliver for a few days and all he talks about is you. I hope you don't mind I'm joining you guys tonight"
"What?", asked Connor a little ticked.
"Yeah sorry, I forgot to tell you. Finn asked if he could join us tonight. He's new to the city and he wants to get out a little", explained Oliver.
"Oh cool, yeah no problem", replied Connor.

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