Story 2

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~ Oliver's POV ~

"Can we stop talking about this?", pleads Connor as he enters their apartment.
"He was flirting with you right in front of me", replies Oliver shutting the door behind him.
"No he wasn't, he's just friendly. I haven't spoken to him in like two years"
"Well, are you going with him tonight?"
"I don't know... Probably"
"Seriously Connor?!", shouts Oliver in disbelief.
"Ok calm down Ollie! I just know that if I turn him down now he's going to keep insisting. I should just go and get it over with"
"Or he'll think that you want to hang out with him and invite you to more stuff"
"Is that so bad?", questions Connor.
"He's your ex!"
"Ok not really. We were together maybe a week"
"You can't hang out with your ex"
"Excuse me? Oliver, I'm 26. Do you not... trust me?"
"You haven't always given me a reason to", says Oliver.

I shouldn't have said that. I know he would never do that to me again.

"Are you seriously throwing that back in my face after all this time? You know I would never do that to you again", replies Connor with a hurt look on his eyes.
"I... I know Connor I just..."
"Listen Oliver. I'm going out with Dylan tonight, and if you trust me you won't make a big deal about it"
"So if I suddenly wanted to have dinner with my really hot ex you would be totally ok with it?"
"Uh yes... yeah", lies Connor. "Because I trust you. Look, Ollie, I don't have a lot of people I can have fun with right now, ok? I spend all of my time with Michaela and Laurel and everyone else, and it would just be nice to spend an afternoon with someone that I can talk to about something other than what illegal thing we have to do this time to win the case for Annalise"

Oliver sighs, "Ok".

"I promise I won't be out late ok?"


It's 9:03pm and despite having agreed to Connor going out with his ex-boyfriend, Oliver is starting to feel anxious. 

He said he wouldn't be out late. 9:00pm is kind of late... if he was in middle school. I trust him. I trust Connor. Ok, but what if he's drinking and he doesn't really know what he's doing? I shouldn't. I shouldn't. I should NOT look at his iMessage. That's private, and if he ever found out I hacked his AppleID he would be so pissed. I just want to know where they are... but if I'm going to hack his iMessage I might as well see what they talk about. No! Oliver no! This is what possessive boyfriends do. You're not like this. But... Dylan is so hot and Connor... I have to do it.

Oliver sweeps aways any ethical concern he had just felt over what he is about to do, and starts typing in Connor's AppleID password on his laptop. He's surprised to find that Connor's most recent conversation with Dylan had started 3 days ago.

I thought he said he hadn't spoken to him in years.

Against his better judgment, Oliver begins to read their texts.

Dylan: u miss me don't u?
Connor:  i miss catching the games with u yea
Dylan: are u sure there's nothing else u miss doing w me? ;)
Connor: listen i kind of... have a boyfriend now

Kind of?

Dylan: connor walsh? a boyfriend?
Connor: yea
Dylan: i thought u didn't do boyfriends. at least that's what u told me
Connor: yea i knw... a lot's changed
Dylan: i'm sure it's not that serious is it? i'm going to be in the city in a few days and i think i have something u'll want to see ;) here's a preview

Oliver flinches at the image of Dylan's erection on Connor's phone, and seethes at the thought that despite Dylan's obvious intentions Connor still wanted to meet up with him.

Wait! Is that what they're doing?! No. Connor wouldn't! He wouldn't do this again. I have to trust him. I have to trust that my boyfriend isn't being seduced right now by his ridiculously hot ex-boyfriend. Ok.

Oliver shuts down his screen and decides to focus on something else. Anything else.


It's 3:41am and Connor has still not come back. Oliver is tense, worried, anxious and angrier than he thinks he's ever been in his entire life. Connor was supposed to come home early and Oliver doesn't want to think about what might be keeping Connor busy. What's worse is Connor's phone is completely dead so Oliver can't accurately track him, and all Connor's location reads is Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Oliver keeps himself awake glued to his phone thinking of all the terrible things that might have happened to Connor, while simultaneously doing his best to circumvent the very real possibility that his boyfriend might have gone home with his "date". 


At 10:26am, Connor opens the door to their apartment as quietly as possible to avoid waking Oliver and the fight that's sure to come. He slips off his shoes and starts taking off his jacket when an exhausted Oliver hurries to the living room looking furious, but secretly feeling incredibly relieved.

"Ollie before you yell at me hear me out..."
"Hear you out?! Where the hell have you been Connor?! I've been so fucking worried about you thinking something happened to you. I was about to call the cops. You couldn't have texted me?! Called me?! Literally done anything so I wouldn't have to stay up all night worried sick about you"
"Ollie I know. I'm sorry, my phone died!"
"Why didn't you come home Connor?", asks Oliver, unsure whether he really wanted to know.
"I was going to Ollie but I ended up getting really wasted, I..."
"I knew it"
"What? You knew what?"
"Did you cheat on me Connor?", accuses Oliver with tears forming in his eyes.
"No Oliver! Not this again"
"Not this again? What am I supposed to think when you spend a night out with your ex-boyfriend who is clearly not over you and you come back home the next morning smelling like vodka?"
"He is over me Oliver, and I'm over him. This was two years ago! I admit I fucked up drinking so much last night and staying out so late but if you'd just hear me out..."
"You keep lying to me!"
"What am I lying about?"
"He's not over you!"
"Yes he is Oliver!"
"Then why the hell is he sending you pictures of his dick at 1:00am?!"

Silence fills the room for a moment, giving Oliver just enough time to regret what he had just admitted to.

"How do you know he sent me that?", asks Connor, his eyes shooting daggers at his boyfriend. "Oliver... did you hack my phone? Have you been reading my messages?"

Oliver says nothing.

"I'm out of here", says Connor throwing his jacket back on.
"No Connor! Listen..."
"To what?! Your crap about how you can't trust me? I made a mistake Oliver and I know that... but hacking my phone?! Are you kidding me?!"
"I know ok? I know it was wrong! But the thought of you and him together just..."
"I told you to trust me!"
"I know but it was the middle of the night and you weren't back!"
"That doesn't give you the right!"
"I know. But it's not like I'm the only one hiding something. Why didn't you tell me he sent you that picture?"
"Because I know how you get. Because I know you would freak out over nothing"
"That isn't nothing"
"Oliver I honestly could not care less about the picture Dylan sent me. The only reason I didn't tell you is because it wasn't a big deal to me and I knew you would overreact"
"And last night?"
"What about last night?"
"What happened?"
"We didn't have sex Oliver! We went to a bar, talked, caught up and drank way too much. Then we said goodbye. He got in his car, I got in mine. My phone was completely dead, and I didn't have my charger on me. I started to drive and I almost crashed I was so hammered. So, I pulled over, got in the back and fell asleep. Is that a convincing enough story?", finishes Connor with frustration in his words.
"I'm sorry. I... I shouldn't have looked through your phone"
"No shit"
"I was just feeling... jealous I guess", admits Oliver.
"Ollie. I... you know how I feel about you", says Connor starting to blush. "I'm committed to this ok? I committed to you... and us"

Oliver pulls Connor into a warm hug and runs his fingers through Connor's hair.

"How many more of your ex-boyfriends am I going to have to worry about?", jokes Oliver.
"Ollie, you never have to worry. What I have with you... It's so much more than anything I've ever had before. I love you", says Connor.

Oliver takes a step back in shock.

"You what?"
"I love you"
"Connor you don't have to say that just to..."
"I wouldn't say it if I didn't mean it. I love you, Oliver"

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