Story 3

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~ Connor's POV ~

It's a warm Sunday evening in Philadelphia and for Connor and Oliver that means embarking on the exciting thrill of grocery shopping. Connor picks up a new protein powder from the health and wellness aisle and walks back over to the produce section where he'd left Oliver to pick out the kind of apples he wanted. Chatting with his boyfriend he finds a handsome young stranger wearing a 76ers shirt and dark jeans. Tall, fit, flawless hair... and apparently a great sense of humour because he was making Oliver laugh hysterically.

Who is this guy?

Connor watches the stranger hand Oliver what appears to be a business card and walk away.

"What was that about?", asks Connor after making his way over to Oliver.
"Oh he was just being friendly", answers Oliver sheepishly.
"He gave you his number?"
"Yeah he gave me his card, he's a trainer. He probably saw me struggling to lift this bag of honey crisps", jokes Oliver.
"Did you tell him you have a boyfriend?"
"That didn't really come up..."
"That's convenient. Let's finish up", demands Connor sounding a little frustrated.


"Alright Connor, you've barely said a word the whole drive home", probes Oliver. "What's up?"
"Nothing, I'm just feeling tired", lies Connor.
"This isn't about James, is it?"

That was his name?

"You know I'm not going to text him"
"So there's no reason to be jealous"
"I'm not!", defends Connor.
"You're not?"
"In that case... can I text him?"
"As a trainer. You're always telling me I should work out more often. You told me it helps with stress and stuff"
"I meant work out with me"
"But it's so intimidating to work out with you. You run 3 miles like it's nothing and I can't even run half a mile without collapsing"
"Ok fine, I can set you up with my old trainer"
"I thought you weren't jealous"
"I'm not!"
"Then what's wrong with James?"
"Nothing! Go ahead, text him"

Oliver pulls out James' card which he'd kept in his pocket and types in his number.

"He's actually free tomorrow", announces Oliver.
"Well that was quick", replies Connor biting his words. "How much is he going to charge you?"
"He said the first session's free"
"Of course"


The next day arrives and Connor heads out for class early in the morning. After a long day of lectures and preparing a brief for Annalise's latest case, Connor heads back to his apartment. He opens the door to find Oliver shirtless in a push-up position with James' hands on his back to correct his stance. Connor lets the door slam shut.

"Am I interrupting?", asks Connor glaring over at James.
"Hey Connor", replies Oliver. "No, we were just finishing up. This is James"
"Hi", greets James extending his hand for Connor to shake. "You must be Oliver's roommate"
"Boyfriend actually", corrects Connor, shaking James' hand forcefully.
"Oh...", James drops his gaze.
"Is that disappointing?", questions Connor.
"Connor!", shouts Oliver.
"I think that's a good place to stop for today. I'll text you to set up our next session", says James while gathering his duffel bag and water bottle. "Nice to meet you Connor"
"Bye James", replies Oliver.
"Yeah bye", says Connor enthusiastically.
"Alright, what was that?!", asks Oliver.
"What?", responds Connor.
"That was rude and really embarrassing for me"
"Well it's not my fault you conveniently left out the fact that you have a boyfriend"
"It didn't come up"
"Well if he has his hands all over you, I think it probably should"
"Why do you just assume he's gay?"
"Oh please, your push-up form was fine, he didn't need to be holding you like that"
"You said you were ok with this"
"Well I didn't think I'd have to come home and see it"
"Ok fine, next time we'll do it at the gym"
"Woah no! I don't want him doing any of this to you if I'm not around"
"Ok Connor, what happened to trusting each other?"
"I trust you Ollie", Connor sighs.


"He's driving me crazy", vents Connor to Michaela and Asher.

The three students are at Annalise's house trying to make sense of the piles of documents before them.

"Is he that hot?", asks Asher, eager to find a distraction.
"You tell me", replies Connor showing James' Instagram page on his phone to both Michaela and Asher.
"Wow!", says Michaela in awe while grabbing Connor's phone.
"Dude, he's...", starts Asher. "I mean... nothing compared to you man"

Connor sighs.

"I come home and he's there all the time now", says Connor. "Either he's shirtless or Oliver's shirtless or both of them are shirtless! I'm losing my mind"
"Hey. My man Oliver doesn't sleep around", defends Asher.
"Yeah Connor, not everyone is like you", teases Michaela.
"I'm not like that anymore, ok?", refutes Connor.
"He's probably not even gay", reasons Asher.
"Oh no, he's gay", asserts Michaela confidently as she hands Connor's phone back to show him an Instagram picture of James kissing another man. "Old boyfriend I guess"
"If it makes you this uncomfortable, just tell Oliver", suggests Asher.
"I can't, alright. I don't want to seem insecure"
"Connor, insecure? Never!", Michaela emphasizes the sarcasm in her voice.
"You two are no help. They're probably at home right now. I'm heading out, just cover for me with Annalise", says Connor rushing out of his professor's house.


"Ollie, I'm home!", shouts Connor as he opens the door to his apartment.
"He's in the shower", answers James from their couch.
"Excuse me?", asks Connor, confused.
"He's taking a shower, we just came back from running"
"And you're still here because...?"
"Oh we're going to grab a bite to eat afterwards if that's cool"
"No actually. Nope. That's not cool"
"I'm sorry, did I do something?"
"You mean besides flirt with my boyfriend? Listen, I get it. He's hot, but he's in a committed relationship"
"Hey. I'm not doing anything Oliver doesn't want to do. He's the one that asked me to come more times a week"
"I think it's time for you to go", says Connor opening the door to let James out.

James grabs his duffel bag and leaves the apartment. A few moments later Oliver steps out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist. He's a little startled to find Connor in their bedroom.

"Expecting someone else?", asks Connor.
"No... I just didn't hear you come in", replies Oliver. "Is James still..."
"Nope. I sent him home", interrupts Connor.
"What? Why?"
"Because I'm jealous alright. I admit it! He's gay, he's hot and he gets to see you pretty much half-naked. I trust you Ollie, but the thought of another guy with you in our apartment... touching you... it's driving me crazy"
"He's just my trainer Connor"
"Then why are you making plans to have dinner with him? I mean, do I need to be worried Oliver? He said you asked him to come more times a week"
"Alright, I may have taken it too far", Oliver sighs. "I guess I kind of... liked the attention"
"I don't know. It made me feel kind of good that he was interested in me. You get hit on all the time Connor, I guess it felt good that it was me for once"
"Ok, you're worrying me. What are you saying Oliver?"
"I'm saying it was totally innocent. I just liked the attention"
"Oliver if you want attention you know all you have to do is walk around the house naked. You know I can't resist that", jokes Connor.
"I'll remember that. I'm sorry", says Oliver walking over to sit next to his boyfriend on the bed. "I know I took it too far, I just didn't think you'd let me go through with it but you kept saying you were fine with it"
"Are you kidding me? It was killing me inside watching him touch you", confesses Connor. "I wanted to kick his ass every time"
"I didn't know", replies Oliver.
"Yeah well, now you do. And I was thinking, if you're not too tired from working out...", starts Connor.

Oliver interrupts Connor to steal a passionate kiss and loosens the towel covering his body. 

"I was thinking the same thing", says Oliver with a smirk.

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