Story 4 (Part 3)

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~ Connor's POV ~

Connor desperately knocks on Annalise's door.

"Open up!", shouts Connor and the door finally swings open.
"What is it?", asks Bonnie with instant concern.
"I need Frank", says Connor, pushing his way through the door and into his professor's home.
"Thought you had a boyfriend now?", teases Frank from the other room, sporting a devilish smirk.

Connor tosses his phone in Frank's direction.

"I need you to figure out who hacked my phone", orders Connor.
"Your phone got hacked?", asks Bonnie. "Is this about our case?"
"No", answers Connor. "This has nothing to do with our case. I just need to know"
"And why can't your sexy hacker boyfriend help you with this?", questions Frank suspiciously.
"Just get one of your friends to figure this out Frank"
"Nah, I'm not helping you until you tell me what's going on that Oliver can't do this"
"He's not talking to me right now, ok?"
"What did you do this time?"
"Nothing!", defends Connor. "He thinks I cheated on him... but I didn't! I didn't. I promise"

Connor breaks eye contact, his face flushed and his expression softening.

"I wouldn't do that to him", continues Connor. "His psycho ex-boyfriend hacked my phone and made a fake text history with me and some guy. He's a tech guy like Ollie, it has to have been him. He wants Ollie to move with him to San Francisco, but he said..."
"Ok", interrupts Frank. "I have no idea what you're talking about"
"Just get one of your guys to see who hacked my phone... please", begs Connor in a dejected tone.
"Ok, but only because you're no fun when you're depressed", agrees Frank.


~ Olivers's POV ~

It's 10:43pm, almost 3 hours since Oliver had kicked Connor out of his apartment. It was supposed to make him feel better, but with no one left to calm his rampaging feelings, Oliver's anger threatens to get the best of him. Opening the leftmost kitchen cabinet reveals a sealed bottle of tequila. Drinking alone feels foreign to Oliver, but his racing thoughts keep him from thinking rationally and the suddenly engulfing warmth lets his mind wander. Four brimming shots later and Oliver reaches for his phone. He glosses over the many notifications from Connor to dial a recent contact.

"Cammmm!", shouts Oliver into the microphone.
"Oliver?", checks Cameron.
"Whatrrre you doin rright now?", slurs Oliver.
"Oliver, are you drunk?", asks Cameron.
"Maybe", giggles Oliver.
"What's going on?"

There's a long pause before either one speaks again. Oliver catches a much needed breath, fighting to settle his speech. 

"Oliver, you there?"
"You were right", admits Oliver, his voice now broken.
"Oliver, what happened? You're scaring me"
"You were right", repeats Oliver. "Connor... he hasn't changed... he did it again"

Oliver sobs loudly, the alcohol failing to subdue his emotions.

"Is Connor with you?", asks Cameron.
"No, I'm alone", answers Oliver, his heart aching.
"I'm coming over right now"
"No please, you don't..."
"You can't be alone right now", interrupts Cameron.


Cameron arrives and joins Oliver by the kitchen counter.

"Alright, alright", says Cameron grabbing Oliver's shot glass from his hands. "I think you've had enough"
"I'm fineee", defends Oliver, quickly strengthening his grip and swigging the stiff drink.
"This isn't you Ollie"
"No! This is me", assures Oliver. "This is me every time. I like a guy, we date and he cheats on me. It's always been like this"
"I didn't cheat on you"
"I just don't get what's wrong with me"
"There has to be something wrong. Either I only pick guys who are inevitably going to break my heart or I'm just so undesirable that no guy wants me for more than a few months"
"Stop Ollie!", demands Cameron sternly. "You are a wonderful guy. Connor never deserved you. You're smart, and kind, and pure, and funny"

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