Story 4 (Part 2)

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~ Oliver's POV ~

How did he know about that?!

Oliver reaches for his phone in the left pocket of his jeans and opens his call history to find an answered call from Connor lasting 3 minutes and 7 seconds.

"You must've accidentally picked up", says Connor taking the final sip of his drink.

Damn it! I must've answered it when I slid my phone into my back pocket.

"Is that what you still think of me?", asks Connor calmly. "That I'm someone who just sleeps around?"
"No Connor, of course not!", defends Oliver.
"Then why didn't you say anything? Why didn't you tell him that wasn't true?"
"I wasn't all there Connor. I was drinking and I couldn't really think straight"
"Ok", states Connor plainly. "I think I'm just going to take the couch tonight"

Connor's dejected tone pains Oliver. He knows he should've defended his boyfriend but something about seeing Cameron brought back old memories and feelings... and not all of them painted Connor in a favourable light.

"Connor you don't have to do that. We can talk about this", offers Oliver.
"I'm just tired right now Oliver. Good night", responds Connor grabbing a pillow and blanket from the bed and arranging them on the living room couch.
"Good night Connor", sighs Oliver.

Oliver decides to give Connor the space he has made obvious he needs. He springs onto the bed and hopes what little alcohol is still in his system will be enough to give him a good night's sleep.


Oliver wakes up to a messy couch and an empty apartment. He sends Connor a text asking where he is and decides to take the opportunity to prepare a surprise apology breakfast. As if alerted by the unmistakable aroma and sizzling sound of applewood-smoked bacon frying on the stovetop, Connor opens their apartment door.

"Where were you?", asks Oliver. "You didn't answer my text"
"I just went for a walk", replies Connor.
"You must be hungry then. Come have breakfast", suggests Oliver gesturing to the neatly-organized breakfast bar.
"I'm actually not feeling well, I..."
"Connor", interrupts Oliver. "Can we please talk?"
"Fine", sighs Connor.

Oliver's phone vibrates on the breakfast bar to signal an incoming text but he ignores it.

"Connor I'm sorry for last night", starts Oliver. "I should've said something to Cam. I know that's not how you really are"
"And how did he get this idea of me?"

Oliver sighs.

"When you cheated on me I confided to him about it. I was so heartbroken at the time I must've said some terrible things"
"So what's you answer?"
"Answer to what?"
"To his offer"

Another incoming text buzzes through.

"His work offer? You can't seriously think I'd consider it", assures Oliver.
"Why not?"
"For the reasons I gave him. I have a boyfriend that I'm happily committed to and I want him to finish law school and become a kickass lawyer"

A third text and this time Connor picks up Oliver's phone.

"Someone's really trying to get a hold of you", says Connor looking at the lock screen and beginning to read aloud. "Thanks for last night. Sorry if I sprung too much on you at once but it's been our dream for so long, you know? What can I do to convince you?"
"Here, give me. I'll put it on silent", replies Oliver.
"Our dream?", questions Connor in almost a whisper. "I didn't know there was so much history between you two"
"Connor, listen to me please", says Oliver sternly. "You are my dream now. That was all before I met you, and now I have different priorities. I love my career but there's no reason it has to be at the root of every decision I make. Right now, you and our future together is what I care most about"
"I don't want you to resent me"
"I would never. I promise you, I'm exactly where I want to be"

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