Story 4 (Part 1)

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~ Oliver's POV ~

"Wait a minute", says Oliver turning the key to their apartment. "If I recall correctly, you said that if I wanted to have dinner with one of my exes, you would be ok with it"
"When did I say that?!", questions Connor as he slips off his jacket and walks into their kitchen.
"When I agreed to let you go out with Dylan that night a few months ago...", replies Oliver. "And you said you would be ok with me doing the same with an ex"
"Ok well, obviously when I said that I didn't think it would happen"
"Oh you think you're the only one that has ex-boyfriends that want to catch up?"
"Ex-boyfriends? Plural?", stresses Connor.
"Look I'm just saying Cameron reached out to me and I agreed to you and Dylan, so..."
"So this is just to get back at me for that night?", asks Connor, visibly frustrated.
"No!", replies Oliver defensively.

Well... maybe a little. That was an awful night, and why should Connor be the only one allowed to have an intriguing dating history?

"So what's this about?"
"Connor, it's just dinner"
"Is he hot?"
"He's... uh... he's"
"Ok so I don't need to worry", smirks Connor.
"Not all of us look like models Connor"
"Oh c'mon Oliver, you know I don't like it when you talk that way"
"He's a decent-looking guy, but I'll admit, I mostly liked his personality"
"Oh yeah? What's he like?"
"Well unlike someone I know, he's not so self-absorbed", teases Oliver.
"Ouch! Ok so remind me why I should be ok with you going to dinner with wonderful Cameron?"
"Because you said it's not a big deal as long as we trust each other", answers Oliver. "I'm going to shower now"
"Can I join?", asks Connor seductively.
"No Connor, I'm actually trying to get clean", jokes Oliver.

~ Connor's POV ~

About 15 minutes pass and Oliver steps out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist and a head of messy wet hair. He opens his closet and begins to prepare his outfit for the night.

"Alright, blue or black?", asks Oliver holding a pair of jeans in each hand.
"Blue", answers Connor.

Black is a way tighter fit. There's no need for Cameron to see that tonight.

"Is this shirt ok?"
"Are you trying to impress this guy?"
"It looks fine!", interrupts Connor.
"Alright I'm heading out", says Oliver grabbing his wallet off the nightstand and putting on his jacket on the way to the door.
"Wait!", shouts Connor rushing over to Oliver.

Connor interrupts Oliver with a passionate kiss that takes his breath away. He runs his fingers through Oliver's hair and deepens the kiss just before gently pulling apart.

"What was that for?", asks Oliver with a bright smile.
"Just a goodbye kiss. Be safe, ok? Call me. Especially if you end up drinking so I can pick you up"
"Alright Connor, I'm not 16 you know"
"I love you", says Connor as Oliver opens their apartment door.
"I won't stay out late", replies Oliver as the door shuts.

I guess I had this coming for going out with Dylan that night, but he wasn't really much more than an ex-hook-up. Cameron is an actual ex-boyfriend who has history with Oliver and now he wants to have dinner out of the blue. Let's search him up.

Connor opens his laptop and begins scouring Oliver's Facebook friends list for a Cameron.

Cameron Wilson. There's a boring name. Ok, so he works as an Agile Software Developer. Great. He shares an awful lot of petitions... and he tags Oliver in meme posts. I knew I'd seen his name come up on my feed before.


It's 10:19pm and Connor's starting to worry. He's called Oliver twice now with no answer and it's really unlike Oliver to not pick up the phone.

~ Oliver's POV ~

Oliver and Cameron are sharing a white-clothed table at a local restaurant. Their meals have long been devoured and the two men now simply enjoy their over-priced drinks.

"So there's a reason I asked you to dinner tonight", says Cameron.
"Ah, you didn't just want to catch up?", jokes Oliver.

Oliver's ringtone alerts him of an incoming call and he grabs his phone in his hand. It's Connor for the third time tonight and Oliver knows he should pick up, but he's frankly a little drunk and maybe he wants Connor to worry a bit. Maybe he wants to prove that he can get attention from other men too. Oliver silences the phone and slides it in the back pocket of his jeans. 

"Oh don't say that. You know I love hearing from you Oliver", replies Cameron. "But I did want to talk to you about an opportunity"
"Yep. I've started a tech company. It's a SaaS play and I want you to be the head developer"
"Are you serious?"
"Yeah. I heard you quit your job and I don't know anyone more talented than you. We got some seed money from an investor round last week and I really want you to join us. We're a small team of 4 people right now"
"I don't even know what to say"
"You always said you wanted to work at a start-up. This can be your chance!"
"I'm not just saying this because I'm unemployed and in real need of money, but this sounds amazing!"
"I know! Can we get two whiskeys to celebrate?", requests Cameron from a nearby waitress. "Here's the best part though. Our office would be based out of the Bay area!"
"In San Francisco?"
"Yeah! I mean how many times did we talk about living there? We can finally live out our college dreams Ollie"
"A lot's changed since college Cam. I have a boyfriend..."
"Right. Connor. Maybe he can come too"
"I couldn't do that to him. He's finishing law school..."
"Oliver", interrupts Cameron. "I don't mean to overstep but... wasn't this the guy that cheated on you?"
"That was a long time ago. Connor's changed"
"All I'm saying is this is a good opportunity. Career-wise, I really think this could make us huge. I know you Oliver and I know your taste in men isn't always the best"
"I dated you"
"Exactly! And I was a jerk, and I blew it. And every time I think of you I wish things had been different. I just want to make sure he's worth it. I don't want you to waste your time or an opportunity like this on a guy who sleeps around whenever he gets bored"

The alcohol weighs heavy on Oliver. His face feels flushed with heat. He wants to jump in to Connor's defence, but he can't. A part of him feels like Cameron's not totally wrong. Another part of him just wants to be home with Connor. One thing's for sure - all of him wishes he'd never come to dinner tonight.

"Umm...", Oliver starts. "Why don't I think it over and give you a call? I really have to go"
"Yeah, I get it. Take your time. Oh and don't worry about this", replies Cameron gesturing at their table. "I got it"
"Thanks", says Oliver reaching for his jacket on the back of his seat. "I owe you next time"


Oliver arrives at his apartment at 11:42pm. He stalls for a moment before unlocking the door to settle down from the night's events.

"Connor, I'm home!", shouts Oliver, a false cheeriness to his voice. "Connor?"

Oliver walks into the bedroom to find Connor laying on their bed with a drink in his hand. Connor's face is a bright shade of red and Oliver can't tell if it's due to anger or sadness.

"Is everything ok?", asks Oliver.
"Yep", answers Connor coldly.
"I know I didn't call you but I decided to just take an Uber"
"Ok. How was dinner?"
"Uneventful actually", lies Oliver. "The place was good though"
"I called you a few times", says Connor.
"Yeah sorry, there was bad reception I think. They kept dropping"
"Really? Because your voices actually sounded crystal clear to me. You don't want to waste your time on a guy who sleeps around whenever he gets bored? Did I hear that correctly?"

To Be Continued...

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