Speak of the Devil 13

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Chapter 13

Sitting up I looked around trying to see past the blurry film coating my vision, for a confused moment I just stared dumbly at the wall trying to see. When my vision finally cleared I saw that I was in a circular room with a high domed ceiling a sunroof shining a dim blue light, the sun shining through dark clouds. Looking down I noticed I was on a raised bed circular yet again, soft white material and white fur pillows. A crescent moon shaped lounge was against the far wall silver footed stand with the lightest of blue cushions causing it to blend in with the wall. As far as I could tell there was no door, no entrance but for the sunroof eleven feet above my head.

Throwing myself on my back I stared exasperated at the ceiling contemplating my fate. Before long I started hyperventilating and my heart rate went into overdrive, curling up into the fetal position under the cover not even my head showing. Taking deep breaths that I exhaled slowly I tried to calm the riotous thoughts beleaguering my mind. Before I could react the blanket was yanked off of me exposing me to the all too cool air. Looming above me stood that thing; the air was colder than even before piercing ice gray eyes stared down at me looking at me like I was a disobedient child.

Glaring up at him I sat up throwing my legs over the side of the bed no longer caring if I live or die. The only person who would come after me was Zell and he got me into this mess. Glaring into his gray-blue eyes I saw the look of flat boredom in them, and that ignited the fire only more like oil to the flame. Shoving at his chest I stood pushing his arm aside, I felt my anger building up like a burning heat centered in my back, ready to explode outward. My face was red and flushed I was burning up ready to explode. Like a person on fire the heat built up making me want to run screaming, flailing my arms as I went. Grabbing the closest thing to me I stood flinging it as hard as I could at the wall, I repeated this until the bed was stripped and I was panting from the exertion.

Eventually I collapsed by a pillow pounding at it until the seams ripped and feathers were flying in the air from the force. Sobbing into my fists I curled up resting on my knees in the fetal position my head resting on the destroyed pillow white feathers drifting around me like frozen tears. I don't know how long I spent like that before I felt a cold hand rest on my shoulder, sitting up I saw that the pale ivory hand was attached to the fairy that kidnapped me. I'd forgotten he was here in my rage. Looking at him I couldn't help but feel that burning anger in my veins yet again. Breathing in a deep breath I tried to relax tried to calm the burning rage; kneeling in front of me he cupped my face with his hands raising my face to his. The moment of contact, when his hands touched my bare skin it burned into me before freezing the fire in my veins.

I felt as my eyes widened in shock and saw the action mirrored with his on eyes. Letting my face go he stepped back and walked to the far wall opposite the bed pushing a section of the wall open he turned in the doorway and said "follow me." Picking myself up I followed him tentatively out of the room wondering how he opened the.....wall? Following down a set of stairs I was encountered with a large entrance hall made of what appeared to be glowing pale white crystal coating the gray brick walls. The effect was beautiful and chilling, cutting across the hall we headed over to the doorway across.

Following him through the doorway I stopped at the opening to a set of hard packed dirt stairs. After taking a few steps in he stopped and turned toward me questioning me with his eyes. I don't know why, but I felt my feet moving, there were torches lighting the hallway every few steps in small alcoves in the walls. Following him down through the tunnel I felt it widening and growing taller then the sound of music, the oddest yet most enchantingly beautiful music I'd ever heard. It was entrancing I felt like dancing, like spinning, like just letting everything go and forgetting it in the music.

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