Speak of the Devil 12

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This chapter is dedicated to Impossible, her chapter 9 comment helped me get through my writers block and made my day....again. I read your comments to get past writers block in case you're wondering.


Chapter 12

Eventually I was able to steer the conversation back to the actual topic, "humans are starting to get more......well not aware but more...fanciful. They want to see one of the lore so look for them in everyone that they pass it's even harder to blend than usual."

A hateful voice called from down the long table, situated in the dinning hall, "like you care about secrecy you've brought a human into our midst!" another's voice quickly chimed in "a miserable human no better than the dirt under our boots!" Sighing I thought I should have known the fey, fairies are the worst looking down on ALL humans but a select few. addressing the folk I said "of course what you're saying is true there IS a human here, but she's unimportant she can neither get away nor can she tell anyone. She. Is. UNIMPORTANT." I finished enunciating the last sentence clearly.

"Ha, unimportant! If she's so unimportant why don't you let US take care of her then?" My blood burned my veins writhed with anger, the fey only ever 'play' with humans. Using them as pets and playthings, for all that I call her a toy she is far from it. No way would I ever allow her to be tortured for an unanswered riddle, or made to dance until her feet bled. For the fey to have her is to have her take pleasure in her own pain. For her, the strong, independent, beautiful, and mesmerizing girl to be like me. Before I could stop myself I shoved my chair back, standing up I slammed my hands on the table-hard. "If you even THINK about touching that girl, I swear by Lamia that you will not survive a full twenty-four hours! I will make sure that you're hunted down, no where is beyond my reach! Get near Aleda and pay for it with your life!"

With that I strode out of the room, needing to be near her, Aleda. Striding through hall after hall I slammed into my room. I was confronted with her shocked not five inches from my own, her eyes wide, her lips parted on a gasp. Recovering from her momentary shock, she took a step back before stumbling and falling back. Catching her around the waist I helped her to re-gain her balance. Smiling at her I said in a low voice "don't leave this room, don't speak to anybody except me, Haru, Gale or Zephyr. Remember things aren't always what they seem, some of the lore may be after you now, I'm sorry but it's my fault I let my emotions get out against my better judgment."

"Some of the fey may come after you they have 'glamour' or magic they can use to disguise themselves, and I'm afraid they'd do anything to get to me, including killing innocents. The Fey have a long history of tormenting mortals. Following a kelpie into a lake only to drown, a demented Pied Piper of Hamlin stealing CHILDREN into the woods only to have them torn asunder by wolves, being kidnapped as a sacrifice for the Tithe; all of this is just a few examples of what the Fey do to those who displease them or even have done nothing to them. The Fey see this as a form of entertainment."

"The other of the Lore are just as bad if not worse please, please be careful." Shaking my head I sighed and left cast one last look over my shoulder saying "I've got another council meeting to head to, lock the doors and windows, though it'll do little good, I really am sorry.

-------Aleda's POV----------

Sitting on the edge of the bed I let the information sink in, when it finally did I felt the blood drain from my face. I didn't LOVE him, I didn't like him no matter how hot the kisses, or how gentle the touches there could be no way. Now I was to be killed for something he said, how unfair IS THAT!? "Arrrrgh!" I screamed muffling my cry with a pillow-or three. When I finally stopped I went to the bathroom and splashed cold water on my face, walking back into Zell's room I bumped into something hard. Looking up I saw a pale face with ice gray almond shaped eyes, his face was framed by icy silver hair, and you could see parts of his skin with hair line cracks as if ice was coating his skin and had shattered like a broken mirror.

Backing up I quickly slammed the door in his face before locking it unsure how long that door would last I ran into Zell's closet locking it from the inside I huddled in the corner. He couldn't be anything other than a member of the Fey, there was no way that door would last a second longer and there was no way I could hide. Screaming at the top of my lungs I hoped and prayed Zell would come, someone, anyone but the fairy outside the door. With a large gust the door burst open as if kicked and he stood in the doorway; the entire closet dropped by at least sixty degrees it's as if he obliterated even the thought of warmth. As he reached toward me I felt the cold radiating off of him in waves.

Slapping at his arm I felt as the cold seeped into my very bones and stayed there, curling my numb hand into a fist I pushed against the ground lifting my self up and swinging my leg up at his head, not for the first time grateful for the martial arts lessons I'd taken all my life. Catching my leg he flung it down crouched before me he leaned toward me leaving no openings, forcing me to huddle as far as possible into the corner, making me wish I could become one with the wall. He took a deep breath releasing it in a slow exhale as a fine white mist of miasma seeping into my lungs, filling me with icy despair. As I stared at him I watched as black spots appeared. Slowly they gathered forming black waves slowly engulfing my vision until all I could see was a small pin prick of light. Before my mind as well as my sight were slowly dragged under.

----------Zell's POV----------

I ran for what fell like eternity before finally reaching my room not bothering to take the time to open the door I just knocked it down yelling her name "Aleda! Aleda!" then I saw it the icy mist covering the picture frame and mirror. On the floor lay a silver handled mirror depicting ivy with hiden creatures peeking out. Slowly the cloudy face cleared showing a white skin blue lipped Aleda black hair spread around her like a fan. Then slowly came the words "there are only two types of people those who take and those who get taken from. Today I'm taking away your love, your throne and your future, that's all."

Dropping the mirror I smashed it under my heel before slamming my hand into the vanity mirror and screaming at the top of my lungs. I made a promise and I'll see it through anyone who gets in my way WILL die.


Sorry guys I plan on making the next chap longer and no more Zell's POV for a while but who knows I might crack under the pressure. Also if you like this story please read one of my newest The Vow the first chapter will be out soon also please try and reading Angel Text.

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