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Chapter 5


Olivia sat in bed reading a book, although she'd read the same sentence about 6 times and still nothing had registered. She new she'd probably wouldn't finish that book anytime soon, with all the new developments in her life.

She couldn't stop thinking about the scars on Aleah's body.They were old and she knew it was best to focus and the actual injuries her daughter had at that moment, but still. She wanted to ask Aleah about each and every one but she refrained. She was scared of the answers she might get and the teenager probably wouldn't tell her anyway.

The next morning Olivia had to rush to work, leaving Aleah to her own devices.

Not that Aleah minded, she loved the solitude. She spent most of the morning packing out of her stuff, with broken ribs and only one useful arm, it took longer than expected. After that she made herself some coffee and settled on the couch. Her phone buzzed a few times but she ignored it thinking it was probably Luca and Toby arguing in their group text again.

It buzzed again. Aleah groaned and opened the messages.

Unknown number: Found you.

Unknown number: Cops are on my ass thanks to you. Better call them off doll face before i come for you and mommy dearest.

Unknown number: I'll make sure to finish the job this time it'll be fun have you both

Unknown number: You can ignore me all you want but im watching you

Absentmindedly Aleah dropped her phone. "No no no no thi- this can not be happening." she sobbed. She felt sick to her stomach. This was just all to much. Mark was always a creep, he always threatened her but all this?
Aleah walked over to the kitchen cabinet were her pain meds were. She took four and walked to her room. She just needed to switch off for a while. To silence her thoughts and fears.


Meanwhile, at the precinct the squad were all busy. They had gotten another case and they were still working on finding Mark and Louise Wade. The had no leads on either cases.

A delivery man walked in with a bunch of flowers, everyone turned to look at him, "Delivery for..." he checked his clipboard, "Benson."
Olivia frowned, "thats me," she walked over and signed for them. "Seems like someone has a crush," Amanda joked.

Olivia placed them on the nearest desk and checked the card.

'Dear Lieutenant Benson
Consider this a fair warning, leave me alone and i will leave your daughter alone. Stop looking for me or else.
Ps: Just a thought lieutenant, do you take it as well as your daughter did that night?'

"Liv, are you alright?" Fin asked, Liv looked pale and angry at the same time. She slammed her hand down on the desk. "We need to find this son of a bitch!"

"Fin, Rollins you two stay on the Thompson case, Carisi you're with me. We need to go to this delivery company see if we can get any leads. Mark Wade is sending threats. He must be in New York. And we need to find out how the hell he found out Aleah is with me."

Olivia got home late that night, momentarily she forgot about her sleeping daughter and slammed the door in frustration. They were getting nowhere on this case, it was like he kept disappearing into thin air.

"Sorry did i wake you?" Aleah had come walking out of her room. She shook her head, "I slept a lot today."

She sat down by the island, Olivia joined. "Are you okay?" "Yeah, just in pain" Aleah lied. She still felt numb from the pain pills. "Long day?" Aleah asked. Olivia debated with herself on where or not to tell Aleah about the flowers. "Yeah, tough case."

"Want to talk about it?" Olivia smiled, "rather not, but thank you."

A/N so I feel like this chapter might be boring I'm sorry!! But it's an important part of the story as a whole. Thank you for reading!

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