coming clean

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Chapter 14

Olivia sat with the 3 teenagers in her living room, helping with English homework. She realized that Aleah was basically a three for one special. You take one, you get two extra. And getting three teenagers to focus on doing homework together was a challenge.

Aleah sighed and threw her pen down for the 3rd time. "Let's face it. I'm not getting anywhere near an A for this anyway, Mrs Rey hates me"

Luca spoke up, "thats because she caught you and her pride and joy Alex Rey making out."

Olivia raised her eyebrows quizzically.

Aleah avoided eye contact and picked up her pen again. "Guys come on these worksheets aren't going to finish themselves."

Soon after that the boys left.

"So I have to tell you something," Aleah said nervously.

Olivia muted the tv to give her daughter all her attention.

"So everyone has different views about this and you're probably going to hate me and send me off somewhere, but that's okay. I mean, it would suck but still," Aleah rambled

"Aleah, I would never hate you." Olivia assured.

"A lot of people say that and then they end up hating me anyway. So I'm bisexual."

After saying it the teenager wanted to run for the hills. Normally she wouldn't care if the person she told hated her or not but this was her mother after all.

Olivia smiled, "you had me thinking you were about to confess a crime or something,"

"So, you're not mad?"

"How could I be mad at you for being yourself."

The girl shrugged, "some people have trouble with it."

An: I'm back! Hope you like this chapter. I don't mean to offend anyone we all have different views and beliefs. I promise to update soon.

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