Chapter 1

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Noelle's POV

My phone started screaming into my ear, telling me to wake up. "I'm going, I'm going!" I say, and turned the alarm off. Then, fell back asleep.

A few minutes later, Wyatt calls me. Wyatt knows that I turn off the alarm when I wake up and then go back to sleep, so he always calls me. He's the most popular guy in school, and for some reason, he chose me.

"Noelle, you need to start waking up." he laughs.

"But school is for losers." I say.

"We wouldn't have met if it weren't for school, though!"

"That doesn't mean it doesn't suck. It sucks the life out of happy children."

"Alright, stay up though." Wyatt says and ends the call.

My eyes feel like they're burning, but I refuse to sleep. I groggily walk into my bathroom and brush my teeth and hair. I didn't feel like doing anything to my hair so I just left it down. When I was putting my makeup on, Wyatt texts me to make sure I was awake, Yes, I'm still awake. I text back, and went back into my room to my closet. I put on some ripped black jeans, a long grey shirt with a skull on it, and a black leather jacket over it.

When I was done getting ready, I took out my notebook. Art is my one way out of this crazy messed up world. You can draw your own fantasy land, something perfect, you can tell a story with a few simple lines. I sketch out a building, one that never ends, it goes into the clouds so far you can't see it anymore.

Wyatt honks his car from outside and I quickly run out the door. "Hey Noelle." he says and looks at me up and down. I slip into his car and say hello.


When we got to school, Wyatt turns his head and looks at me.

"What are you looking at?" I laugh.

"You." he says, "How do you wear sleeves in this weather?"

"I-it's not that hot out." I say nervously.

He leans in and kisses me, and I jump at first confused, which makes him laugh. The heat was burning against my arms and I pull myself away. "Noelle, you're so warm, take off that jacket." he says and starts to slip it off.

"Stop! No!" I yell.

"W-what?" he asks, but I just get out of the car and walk into the school. I knew Wyatt was suspicious.

"Hey Noelle!" Iris says as I got to my locker. Iris has blonde hair and green eyes. She was one of the most popular girls.

"Hi." I say, slamming my locker closed.

"So, how was your weekend?" Iris asks, "I didn't do much."

"I stayed inside all day and went on my phone." I say, and entered my next class, Iris kept walking down the hall.

"Late again, Noelle." Mr. Schmidt says.

"I couldn't care less." I says and sat next to a new kid. He smiles at me, he has brown short hair and brown eyes. "My name's Noelle."

"Rey." he says and he wouldn't take his eyes off me.

"God, this class is so stupid." I say.

"You wanna get out?" he says, and I smirk.

"Noelle! Can you please stop talking?" Mr. Schmidt yelled, and I smile.

"Totally." I say, talking louder to Rey.

"Noelle! Go down to the principal's office."

"Alright." I say getting up, and left the class. Instead of getting to the principal's office, I exited the school.

"Hello Noe." Rey says coming up behind me. "Where to go?"

"How about away? Somewhere that no one knows about. Where you can run freely and not care."

"Perfect." he says and smiles.

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