Chapter 9

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Amber's POV

I can no longer see Kian anymore, and I pick up the wooden stool, to see there is a crack in it.

"Amber, are you alright?" a woman with straight, blonde hair walks in wearing white clothing.

"Anna?" I ask.

"It's me." she says.

"I thought you retired or something."

"I did, but they wanted me back. Anyways, are you alright?"


"What happened?"

"My boyfriend, er, not boyfriend, friend, I guess, got mad at me and threw this stool."

"Why'd he throw it?" she asks, taking the stool from my hands, and looking over it.

"I wasn't talking to him, just staring at the wall."

"Why weren't you talking?"

"Because I didn't have anything to say."

"So you ignored him?"

"I didn't ignore him, I listened to every word he said, I memorized everything about him, I just didn't respond. That's all."

"Alright." she says, walking out of the room, "Oh, and Amber, if you keep up your good eating, you'll be let out in a couple of days." she smiles and closes the door. I gently walk out of my room and into the general room.

"Hey Amber, why are you in here again?" Kate, a girl who has been here for years, asks me.

"Same reason for every time." I sit down at the table with her and lean my head against my arm.

"How are you, Kate?"

"Oh I'm good. Well, except for the fact I'm in here."

"We shouldn't be in here, it's like caging animals, they're too different from all the people so they send you to a different place where people stare at you and give you food."

"I kinda like it here, being separated from everyone else. I can do whatever I want, and no one will judge me. Although, I haven't been able to breathe fresh air in years, and I miss everyone, so I'd rather be out there."

"I think we all would." I walk over to a shelf and grab a board game and bring it to our table. I open it up and start setting it up. The board looks strange though, it has blue ink all over it, I look closely, trying to read it. It's a map, a map out of this place.

"Girls, it's time to sleep." a nurse walks over and informs us.

"Can I bring the board game with me to my room?" I ask, and she nods. I gently tip toe back to my room, and sleep.


It's 3:23 a.m., and the nurses have stopped looking in our rooms, but my door is locked. I unfold the board and study it carefully. Whoever wrote this had my room, and apparently there's a key in the room. I walk over to the bed and lift up the mattress, and sure enough, there's a copper key hidden. I pick it up and stare at it for a moment, turning it in between my delicate fingers before getting up and unlocking the door. I've never been around at night, so I'll admit I was kind of freaked out. A nurse turned the corner and started walking down the hall with a large cart. Luckily I was able to duck behind some chairs without getting noticed. I gently run down the rest of the hall silently so no one would hear me. I slip into the bathroom which was empty, and unfold the board. There is a key by the front desk that you can use to unlock the window in the general room, it is hidden behind the computer monitor. Aren't they clever. I fold the board back up and leave it in the bathroom and place my ear against the door to listen for footsteps. None. I quickly run out and head over to the front desk, and no one's there. I reach my hand over and almost grab the key, when a woman walks over. My heart jolts and I duck down as fast as possible, and luckily, she didn't see me. My heart was beating so fast and loudly I was scared they would hear it. She grabbed some papers and then left, so I reached over and stole the key, and gracefully ran to the window in the general room. I hear footsteps coming down the hall and so I swiftly turn the key and slip out the window, and close it. Before I first came here the other day, I threw my phone in a bush so it wouldn't be taken away. I happened to fall in this bush, so I picked it up, and there was one message from Kian.


If this is not Amber, it would be greatly appreciated if you could show her this.

Dear Amber,

I found out recently why what happened to you, happened to you. I'm not going to tell you some big motivational story because I know those things don't work. Amber Lowe, there's something different about you. I don't know what it is, but every part of you is so enticing. I fell in love with you the first time I laid eyes on you, oh, you're perfectly bright green eyes that shine like emeralds. Your long brown hair that ascends along your head and down your shoulders. Your everything. Everyone's a little messed up, and some more than others. But the fact you fight through it is what truly amazes me. I love you, Amber Riley Lowe, and the fact you won't ever feel the same way about yourself is painful but I guess I'll have to deal with it. I hope my love for you can replace your hatred for our cruel world.

-Kian McCoy

I smile at the thought of him, I do miss him, a lot.

Me: I know it's late, but I also know you're awake. Meet me at Mickey's?

Kian: I love you. And I'm on my way.

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