Chapter 2

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Kian's POV

"Kian! Kian! Unlock your door!" Emma, my 10 year old sister, yells.

"Shut up!" I yell.

"Kian! Don't talk to your sister like that! Now, get ready for school!" My mother shouts from downstairs.

I groan, and get up from my bed. Opening my door, I slam it into Emma's face, causing her to scream. "Oops, sorry."I say sarcastically.

"You're not wearing a shirt!" she laughs. I kick her, and she screams. I went downstairs and made a bowl of cereal. Emma came down when I finish eating, her hair in pigtails, wearing a floral shirt, and blue shiny pants.

"What are you wearing?" I ask her.

"I'm being," she pauses, "original." and walks out the door.

School hasn't started yet, so I have no idea where she is going. I head back into my room and get dressed. I threw on a red flannel and ripped jeans. I grab my backpack and headed out the door, and start walking towards the school.

"Hey! Kian! Wait up!" Scott bumps into me, nearly pushing me over. Although, he falls and laughs. "Kian!"

"Haha! Scottie!' I yell, puling him up.

"Hey man, you goin' to the party tonight?" he asks, unsteadily getting up.

"What party?"

"What party? Are you serious? Iris Walters!"

"Oh man, I totally forgot! We're definitely going though."

"Alright!" he says, and unsteadily runs down the hall, falling over and laughing.

"Is he drunk?" a random girl asks me. I open my mouth to say something but then I look at her her. She's beautiful. Her blue eyes shine like the stars and her hair's messy but she looks amazing. She just is perfect in every single way.

"I, um, probably." I say and laugh. "My name's Kian, what's yours?" I ask her.

"Noelle." she says and smiles.

"Lovely." I say, "Are you going to the party tonight?"

"Iris Walters? Yes."

I could tell I was going to mess this up. I was going to say something stupid and ruin everything. "Alright, I'll see you there." I somehow made it through that, without blurting out that I like her. She smiles at me, and I walk away towards my next class.


"How'd you do on you History test?" my father asks me as soon as I walk in. I know what he's going to say. Why can't you be as perfect as Alison? You're such an idiot!

"B-." I said, handing him the paper. It's a good grade, but it's not good enough. The B- was written at the top of the paper in red pen, with a circle around it. He points at it angrily.

"Jesus, Kian! I thought you were studying! You're just a stupid screw up! Marie, are you sure this child is mine?!"

"D-dad, plea-"

"Shut up!" he says, interrupting me. "You're an idiot! You know, I pay for your education, so you can go to college! So you can go and do something with your life! Do you think you can do anything with a B?!"

"D-dad! It's not a bad grade!" I yell.

His hand raises up into the air, and came towards me. It hits the side of my face, leaving a painful red mark. I shriek in pain, and run into the bathroom, locking the door. I lean against the wall and slip down. He's right, I'm just a stupid screw up with no point in even living. I hear my dad yelling things about me to my mom. I remember about the party. They won't care if I'm gone, right? I pull open the window and slip my right foot out, and then my left. I start running very fast toward Iris' house.


"Aha! Kian! You made it!" Scott yells as soon as I walk in.

"Hey, you dork!" I say, laughing.

He walks off somewhere into the mass of people dancing and partying. I grab a drink and sit down.

"Hey!" a girl walks up behind me. She has brown hair and lovely green eyes, she's wearing a black and white diamond pattern shirt, and some black skinny jeans.

"Hi." I say.

"I'm Amber, who are you?"


"Oh, lovely!" she smiles, and her eyes light up. "What are you doing here? Are you meeting someone?"

"My friend, Scottie. And also this girl I met, Noelle." I look into the crowd and notice Scott chugging a drink. On the other side I see Noelle, talking to Wyatt Kingston.

"Noelle, Noelle, Noelle..." she says quietly, thinking about the name. "Oh! Are you talking about Noelle Ravens?! The one dating Wyatt Kingston?"

She's dating him? "Um yeah, I guess so."

Amber points to Noelle, "her?" and I nod. "She's pretty!"

"She's beautiful, really."

"You fancy her, don't you?" Amber asks, smiling.

"Yeah, but I obviously have no chance with her. I should just leave her alone. She has a boyfriend!"

"I heard she likes the new guy, Rey. She snuck out of some class with him. Wyatt hasn't found out about it yet."

"Exactly. She's already found someone else."

"Well, I like you." Amber says, blushing.

"You're lovely." I say, leaning in and kissing her. She jumps at first, startled, but I just laugh.

"Looks like you've got yourself a girl! What's her name, mate?" Scott says loudly.

"Gah!" I yell, startled.

"Amber." she says, annoyed. "Is this... Scottie?" I nod my head.

"Scottie, what do you want?"

"I just wanted to talk to my best friend, but I guess he's found someone else." he says, laughing.

"Go away, Scottie." I say, pushing him away.

"Alright, alright." he says, and runs around to another room.

"You're really... cool." Amber smiles.

"You're beautiful." I say with a wink. I notice Noelle in the corner of my eye, looking at us. A guy walks into the party, and heads over to Noelle.

"That's Rey! Wyatt's going go be so mad!" Amber exclaims. He walks over to her and starts to talk. Wyatt is walking towards us, but he's just going to get drinks. Rey starts talking to Noelle but I can't make out the words. "What do you think he's saying?" Amber asks.

"I have no idea." I laugh. Wyatt grabs the drinks and turns around. When he sees Rey, his face turns red with fury.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH MY GIRLFRIEND!" he runs towards Rey. Wyatt lifts up his fist and punches him in the nose.

"Gee, mate. I was just talking to her." Rey says, and takes a swing at Wyatt, knocking him over. Noelle is just sitting there, smiling. Wyatt unsteadily stands up, but Rey punches him in the gut. There are a bunch of "Ooh" 's and "FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!" 's. Wyatt pulls Rey and swings him down. He punches Wyatt in the chest, causing him to cough, and gets up. Rey quickly runs out of the party, and goes elsewhere.

"Wow! That was fun, wasn't it, Kian?" Amber says to me.

"Um, yeah, I guess so."

"What do you want to do?" she asks.

"You want to get some drinks?"

"I, er, you can get one, I don't want any."

"Okay." I say, and get up. I walk over and grab a drink, and quickly drink half of it.

Who knows how many more drinks I had, but that was the last one I remembered.

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