19 - Noob House

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Club Penguin is being shut down at the end of March so guess who made an account and spent a lot of time playing CP today

Club Penguin is being shut down at the end of March so guess who made an account and spent a lot of time playing CP today

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Guess which one is me

Btw I read this over late at night with glasses off so you know what that means.


•    •    •

~ Lily ~

I spent the next few hours flipping through pages and reading book titles and summaries.  It was exciting at first, then it got boring after a while. I learned a lot about Minecraft. I knew the basic information already, but I learned about traditions, tricks, and even slang.

I also discovered a lot of information about the spawns. The past really wasn't as big or important as I thought it would be. Turns out, spawns were made to just balance out the population. The books were old fashioned, so the words were a bit confusing. One was about the legends of the ancient Minecraft times. I learned that over four hundred years ago, there was a great Civil War. It thinned out the population immensely. People prayed to the gods for a solution, and spawns were born. They were treated as heroes, warriors, leaders. A few thought they were gods themselves. A lot of the political leaders after that were spawns. Eventually sightings started to gradually fade away when overpopulation became a problem. People began to wonder if spawns were blessings, or curses that were brought down to cause scientific problems and overpopulation. Some began hate groups. Soon, there were only a few spawns left, and their fame died out.

I closed the book, and exhaled. Although there was a lot of information that helped me, there was nothing that gave me anything about my current situation. Was I just the last raindrop that ended the storm? Am I the final spawn? Why was I put here?

As I was pondering, Harold walked into the library. He grunted. "Find what you were looking for?"

"Some stuff. I didn't get all my questions answered, but the information did help me get a better grasp on the situation."

"I see you went quickly through those books." He gestured to the large pile on the table.

I shrugged. "I like to read."

"That's good. Books are always my favorite escape from reality."

I didn't really know how to respond to that, so I just stared at the pile.

"I'm sorry." He shook his head. "Anyway, you are probably hungry. I have some bread in the kitchen."

That was the nicest thing I've heard him say. I was actually starving, so I smiled and nodded. "That would be great."

He grumbled something, but I didn't hear it. He was probably making fun of my intelligence or something. "Follow."

"Shouldn't I put the books away first?" I gestured to the mountain.

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