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"Jared what?" Emilee exclaimed.

"Apologized," I said once again, running a hand over my face.

"And you forgave him!"

I shrugged. "Everyone deserves a second chance, Em," I said.

She hit her fist on the table. "That's bullcrap, Brae, and you know it!"

Marcus put a hand on her shoulder. "Babe, calm down," he said.

"No, I'm not going to calm down!" she yelled, causing everyone in the pizza parlor to look at us.

My phone buzzed. I looked down, and saw that I had a text.

Ridge: Can you come over?

Me: I don't even know where you live.

Ridge: 1543 Parkway Drive.

Me: Be there in ten.

I looked up from my phone, and Emilee was still going off. "I'm going to see Ridge," I said, standing up.

"Braelyn Josephine, we are not done with this conversation," she said, and I cringed at my middle name.

"I know, and we'll finish it later," I said, knowing she wouldn't forget it. I stood up, said goodbye, and made my way out the door. I turned right then continued the short walk to Ridge's house.

I came to a house at the end of the road. It was a normal house-one story-with rose bushes on either side of the porch along with some other flowers. The house was an off blue color with white shutters and a big, oak door. Overall, the house looked homey.

I walked up onto the porch and knocked on the door. I was greeted by a dog's bark then the door opened, revealing a tired looking Ridge. A small yorki stood behind him, barking. "Feke, shut up!" He growled, causing the dog to cease it's barks.

He gave me a small smile. "Hey," he said.

"You look terrible," I said.

"Thank you. Come on in," Ridge said, stepping to the side. His dog, Feke, eyed my cautiously. "Feke, go laid down, boy." Feke gave me one last look before disappearing into the other room.

"Ridgemond, who is-oh, hi," a woman greeted. She looked fairly young, mid-thirties, with flawless, pale skin and big, brown eyes.

"Ma, this is Braelyn, my girlfriend," Ridge said.

The woman smiled. "Hi, Braelyn. I've heard a lot of things about you. I'm Kristene," she greeted, shaking my head.

"Hopefully good things," I replied.

She winked. "Of course. Well, I'm going to get going," she said then kissed Ridge's head. "Nice meeting you, Braelyn. Make him drink and eat please. Keep him in line."

Ridge rolled his eyes. "Bye, Mom," he said, and Kristene laughed, leaving the house.

"Ridgemond, huh?" I smiled.

He glared. "Don't call me that."

"Why? I think it's a great name, Ridgemond," I said.

"Braelyn, I'm warning you," he replied.

I laughed, "I'm just playing. Don't get your panties in twist."

He grabbed my hand and lead me down the hall. The first room we came to was the one we went in. It was average sized. A bed sat along the wall. Across from it, was a dresser with a TV and PS4 on it along with a lot of games. There was a small desk with a laptop and some papers resting on top of it. He even had a small bookshelf filled with books.

"You read?" I asked.

He nodded. "Yeah."

I plucked a book off the shelf, Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare. I smiled. "I love this series," I said.

"I do, too. The Mortal Instruments is pretty good, too," he said.

I looked at him, surprised. "You continue to surprise me," I said, placing the book back on the shelf.

Ridge laid down on the bed, smiling. "I know," he said.

"Do you want some water?" I asked, sitting beside him. I felt his head. "Or a cold wash cloth. You're burning up, babe."

"I'm fine."

"No, you're not. I'll be back."


I held my hand up. "I don't care. Your mom told me to help you, and I will. I'm going to search for your bathroom and kitchen. I'll be back."

"Babe, no," he said, but I was already in the hallway. I went up and down the hallway, checking every room. When I finally found the bathroom, I searched for a rag and ran it under cold water.

I returned to Ridge, and I placed it on his forehead despite his protests. Then, I found the kitchen and made him a glass a water. I made Ridge drink it in front of me. "Do you want something to eat?" I asked.

"No," he said tiredly. His eyes slowly closed.

"You sure?" I whispered.

"I love you, Braelyn," Ridge replied in a whisper.

I froze in my spot, shocked. Luckily, he was sound asleep before I could reply. I swallowed. What should I have said?

I clenched my fists and stood. I searched for a pen and paper then wrote a note. Then, as quietly as I could, I left the house. I looked under the mat outside for a spare key, of course there was one, and locked the door. That's when I made my way home.

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