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Not every story had a happy ending, I supposed. Well, the ones that were realistic. Life had pain, anger, bullying, love, and heartbreak. A happy ending was something I wished for, but I knew I would never get.

I hit pause on the movie; my thoughts distracting me. We had only eight days until school was out. I hadn't seen Ridge since the day before my break down in the shower. I put on a smile each day I was at school, but behind that smile was hurt. I was hurt.

Someone rang doorbell, and I, being the only one home, went downstairs to answer it. I opened the door, and the woman at the door had her back to me. She wore a faded black shirt and jeans. "Hi," I said, and the woman turned around.

My heart stopped, and tears brimmed my eyes. "Mom?" I asked.

She smiled. "Hey, baby," she said. I wrapped my arms around her tightly, tears falling from my eyes. I sobbed into her shoulder. She rubbed my back. "Aw, baby, don't cry."

I opened eyes, and my three brothers stood there, smiling. Their eyes were red from crying, blotches covering their faces. I smiled at them. Mom pulled away, wiping her own tears away then mine.

"Oh, you've grown so much," Mom said. "How have you been?"
I opened my mouth to speak. She was here. Mom was really here. I started to shake then I broke down in tears once again. She wrapped her arms around me. "It's okay, Braelyn. Everything's okay. Mommy's here."

"Everything is so messed up. It's just all messed up," I sobbed.

She pulled away. "Tell me everything," she said.

"But you just got back. I was going to wait unt-"

"It doesn't matter if I just got off the plane. If you're not okay, I want to know why. I'm your mom. That comes first," Mom said.

I wiped my tears away, and I took a deep breath, looking at my brothers. Nathan, Nick, and Kyle gave me sympathetic looks then left the room. They understood. I looked back at Mom. Then, I told her everything. Starting with the first day I actually met Ridge McCain, the day he kissed me.

Mom listened intently. She soothed whenever I paused because I started to cry at the painful memory. When I was finished, Mom asked for the pictures from Formal. I went to get them and brought the envelope to her.

"He's a handsome, young man," Mom said, looking at the first one. "You two look so happy together."

I nodded. "I was happy, Mom," I said.

"Who's this?" Mom asked, pointing to Nina.

"That's Nathan's girlfriend," I replied.

"She's pretty," she said.

I smiled. "Very."

"What's her name?"


Mom laughed, "You know, I was going to name you that. Nina, but with no middle name."

"Really?" I asked.

She nodded. "Your father liked it. Then, I decided to name you Braelyn, after your grandmother." Mom laid the pictures on the table. "Braelyn, I never went what you are going through, so I can't tell you how to get through it."

I looked at her, and she continued. "However, I can tell you that falling in love is easy, but staying in love, now, that is hard part. Especially, if you have been what you have been through. It's up to you to make the decision, but keep in mind that not everything is meant to be."

Mom placed her hand on my knee. "Did that help at all?" she asked.

I smiled. "That was exactly what I needed to hear," I said.

She kissed the side of my head. "I'm glad. Now, where are my other three children?" she asked.

I laughed, "I'll call them right now."
Emilee, Marcus, and Xavier were here within five minutes. Each of them cried when they saw Mom. I didn't blame them. Mom was like a second mother to all of them. She was the one they always came to with their problems. What could I say? Mom had all the answers.

"How about I order some pizza, and all of watch a movie?" Mom asked. Every single one of us didn't object.

I smiled as I watched my family smiling and laughing. Our missing piece was back. This time, for good.

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