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I stared at my ceiling, lost in my thoughts. Ridge had told me that he loved me, and I didn't say it back. Should I have said it?

I ran my hands over my face, frustrated. I hated Jared for hurting me the way he did, but I forgave him. Like an idiot, I forgave him. Ugh, why was I so stupid?

"Braelyn, Mom is on Skype!" Kyle called from downstairs. My heart skipped a beat as I threw myself out of bed and down the stairs.

"There's my girl!" I heard Mom say as I made my way into the living room. I stared at the laptop screen, tears brimming my eyes.

"Hi, Mom," I managed to say, taking a seat.

"Hi, beautiful. How's school?" she asked.

"Fine," I said, wiping away my happy tears. I didn't get to speak to my mom often. Once every year if I was lucky.

Mom frowned. "Braelyn, don't cry, sweetheart," she said.

I hiccuped. "I'm sorry, Mom. It's just that I miss you."

Mom smiled. "I know, which is why I put in my notice."

"Your notice?" I asked.

"It's not really a notice, but I worked something out with my sergeant. I'm coming home, kids," Mom said.

Nathan, Nick, Kyle, and I let out a whoop. "Really?" Nick asked.

She nodded. "Yes, I've done my time. I'm ready to leave and come home. I miss you guys," she said.

I smiled. "I'll be sure to get everything ready for you," I said.

"Stack up on some junk food, please," Mom replied. "I've been wanting some ice cream for froever."

"We will," Kyle said.

"Sawyer!" someone barked.

Mom gave us a sad smile. "I got to go. I love you guys."

"We love you, too," we replied, and the call ended.

I stared at the blank screen, sadness overcoming me. Kyle wrapped an arm around my shoulder, and I leaned into his embrace. "She's coming home, guys. We just have to wait a few more weeks," he said.

"I don't know if I can," Nathan said then left the living room. Nick followed him.

"Me either," I whispered.

Kyle kissed the top of my head. "It'll be sooner than you think."

I bit my lip. "Kyle?" I asked.


I wanted to tell him about Ridge. About my problems. About everything that had happened. I needed to tell someone, Then, Mom filled my mind, so I decided against it. "Never mind."

"You sure?" Kyle asked.

"Yeah, it's nothing," I said.

"Well, do you want Chinese for dinner?" Kyle asked me, standing up.

I nodded. "Yes, sounds good," I said the stood. "Cocnut shrimp and the Orange chicken, please."

Kyle winked. "You got it, Sis."

I forced a smile then headed back to my room. I silently closed my door then flopped onto my bed. I stared up at the pictures on my ceiling; my eyes finding the one Ridge pointed out.

Tears brimmed my eyes as I stood up on my bed and plucked it from my ceiling, the tape ripping some paint off. I traced my thumb over my mom's face.

I need you right now, Mom. I need you. I need someone to listen and understand. I need my mom.

I wiped the tears off of my face, hiccuping sobs. Just a few more weeks. I just need to get through a few more weeks.

I sighed. Who was I kidding? I could barely survive a day without her. Much less a couple of more weeks. The only bright side was that she was coming home.

For good.

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