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The next morning I woke up beside Xavier, who was sound asleep. I smiled. It felt good to have the old Xavier back. Beside Emilee and my mom, he was the other person I could tell anything to and not be judge.

I sighed and crawled out of bed, being careful not to wake Xavier. I grabbed some clean clothes and made my way to the shower. I turned the water on then undressed and got in. I washed my hair as memories flooded through my head.

The first time Ridge kissed me.

Then, when he continued to bug me.

Tears flooded my eyes.

Our first date at the ice cream parlor.

The tears spilled over, and I sat down in the shower, letting the water sprayed down on.

"I'm never going to get over that," he said.

"Over what?" I asked.

"Kissing you," he answered.

I rocked back and forth as tears flooded down on my face. That's when it really hit me. The pain. It wasn't the day of Formal. No, it was now. I felt like my world had crumbled into a million pieces, and my heart exploded.

I was wrong. When I told Emilee that it wasn't as bad the second time, no, it was worse. I hated my life. I hated it.

"Braelyn, are you okay?" I heard Xavier ask.

"Yeah, just finishing up," I lied, standing up.

"Okay," Xavier said. I hurried with my shower and got out. I brushed my teeth, pulled my clothes on, and then dried my hair. I left the bathroom when I was finished and made my way down to the kitchen.

Xavier, Nick, and Kyle sat at the table, eating cereal. "Morning," I said, pretending to be okay.

"Morning," they all said. I made myself a bowl of cereal, and I joined the guys at the table.

"You okay?" Xavier asked.

I nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine," I lied. The pain and thoughts from my shower still would not leave me. It felt like a ton on bricks lying on my heart. This reminded me what having your heart broken felt like.

I took a bite of cereal, trying to wash down that thought, but like the rest of them, it didn't leave. "So, what are guys up to today?" I asked.

"I'm going to work," Kyle said.

"I'm hanging out with Faye," Nick said with a smirk.

Kyle shook his head. "You get her pregnant, and you are not living in this house. You hear?"

"Yeah, yeah," Nick said.

"Where's Nathan?" I asked.

Nick rolled his eyes. "He took Nina out for breakfast," Nick said.

"Wow," was all I said.

"Wow, indeed," Xavier agreed.
A few hours later Xavier left, and I was left alone at the house. I checked the mail, and I found a envelope for me. I opened it, and I saw a bunch of pictures along with a folded up piece of paper.

I grabbed the paper, and I put the envelope under my arm. I opened it, and in sleek handwriting, my name started off the letter.

           I know how much my son hurt you. He told me everything, and I just want you to know that he is so sorry. I know it's not my place, but he loves you. God, he loves you so much. You're a good girl, Braelyn, and I'm sorry my son shattered your heart. But, I see that you are a strong girl. You'll get through this. I'm here if you need to talk. Ridge would never know of our conversations if you don't want him, too.

A tear fell on the letter, and I  folded it up. His mom was nice, and I knew she meant everything she said. I understood what she wrote. I understood why she did it. Inside the envelope, was the pictures from Formal.

I picked up the first one. It just so happened to be the one of Ridge and me. More tears fell as I put the letter and the picture back into the envelope. I suddenly wished for my mom. I needed her here right now. I really needed her.

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