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"So, do I get to see your dress?" Ridge asked, wrapping an arm around my waist.

"Not until the dance," I replied with a smile. He had been bugging since I texted him three days ago, telling him I had got my dress.

"Why not?" He pouted.

"Beacuse it is a surprise," I said, opening my locker.

He shook his head. "I hate surprises," he replied.

I pinched his cheeks. "Aw, too bad," I said, laughing as he swatted my hands away.

"Are you still up for a movie tonight?" Ridge asked.

"Yeah," I said.

"I'll swing by around six."

"Okay. We're having it at your house, right?" I asked.

He nodded. "Yep. My parents are working late tonight," Ridge said.

I grabbed my backpack. "Okay. Well, let's go ahead and get out of here."

"After you," Ridge said, and we made our way to his car. "How does Chinese sound for tonight?"

"As long as it is Orange chicken and coconut shrimp for me."

"Okay." He fastened his seatbelt and pulled out of the parking lot.

"When are you getting your... stuff for formal?" I asked.

He laughed, "Well, I don't know what I want to wear. I'm sure about what tie since you won't tell me the color of your dress."

"It's a light blue color," I said. "Does that help?"

"Yeah, that helps a lot. I might go this weekend since it's a week and few days away," Ridge said.

I rolled my eyes. "Always late to do things."

He grabbed my hand, laughing. "Well, it took me three days to find out the color of your dress, so yeah, it's a little late," he said.

I shrugged. "Hey, at least I gave you a little info."

He came to a stop light and leaned over. I leaned in, too, and his lips gently landed on mine. Then, he leaned back. "I'm never going to get over that," he said.

"Over what?"

"Kissing you," Ridge answered, pulling out of the intersection when the light turned green.

"Well, I'm not going anywhere," I said, which made Ridge look at me again. He opened his mouth to say something then closed it, focusing his eyes on the road. "What is it?"

Ridge just shook his head. "Nothing," He replied, smiling at me. However, it didn't reach his eyes. The rest of the car ride was silent, and when he pulled up to my house, I kissed him then got out.

"Braelyn?" Ridge called before I shut the door. I leaned in. "I hope you know that I love you."

I swallowed. "I love you, too," I said, feeling a weight being lifted off of me. I had put a lot of thought into it, and I did love him. I didn't think he was going to hurt me like Jared.

Ridge looked relieved. "You don't know how much that means," he said.

"I'll see you tonight," I said.

"Bye, Babe," he said, and I closed the door, smiling. I finally said what I felt. I told Ridge McCain I loved him.
Six o'clock couldn't come soon enough. I found myself waiting by the door at five-fifty-nine. I was like a little kid waiting for their parents to come home. Soon enough, at six-ten, there was a knock on the door.

I swung it open, and Ridge smiled. "That eager to see me?" He asked.

I glared. "Shut up."

Ridge fake saluted. "Yes, ma'am," he said, grabbing my hand. We made our way out to his car, and he opened the door for me.

"Thank you," I said, getting in.

"Anytime, baby," Ridge said then shut it. He got in on his side then fastened his seatbelt before pulling out of my driveway. The ride to his house was short.

We both got out, and Ridge grabbed my hand as we made our way up to his porch. He unlocked the door and opened it, stepping aside to let me in. "Thank you."

"You're welcome. Uh, you can go wait in my room. I'm going to get drinks and order some Chinese. What would you like? We got orange juice, coke, root beer, water, tea, koolade..."

"Tea is fine," I said. He kissed me then went off toward the kitchen. I made my way to his room and sat on his bed. His dog, Feke, came into the room. "Hi, Feke."

He took one look at me and trotted out of the room. I made a face then took a look around the room. My eyes landed on a picture frame at the edge of his desk. I stood up and went over to it then picked it up.

It was a woman, man, and a small boy. He looks no older than twelve. It was clear he had forced smile on his face. The woman was beautiful. She had long, brown hair, perfect teeth, and flawless skin. The man wore a tux, and he was also beautiful. Blonde hair, brown eyes, and a million dollar smile.

"Those are my real parents," Ridge said, causing me to jump.

"You scared me," I said, placing the picture down.


"When was the picture taken?" I asked.

"A week before I was given up for adoption," he said. "But enough with that. I got you something."

Ridge had a small, black box in his hand. He made his way over to me. "Happy two months and sixteen days," he said.

I looked at him, shocked. He handed me the box, and I opened it. Inside, was a ring. It had a light blue stone in the middle and small, sparkling stones around it. "It's real if that's what you're wondering. A real aquamarine sapphire and real diamonds," he said.

I looked at him, tears brimming my eyes. "I don't know what to say."

"Don't worry. I'm not asking you to marry me," He laughed. Then, he grew serious. "It was my grandmother's. When I was put up for adoption, she gave it to me."

"Thank you," I said. "But I don-"

"Braelyn, I want you to have it. If she got the chance to meet you, she would, too. I know two months is not a while to know you love someone, but I've never felt like this with anyone. Look what's engraved in it," he said.

I looked, and that's when the tears started falling. Surely, engraved, were two words. My Forever. Ridge took it out of the box and placed it on my right ring finger. "So, people won't think we're married," he laughed, causing me to laugh, too.

I crashed my lips onto his, catching him off guard. He froze for a second then wrapped his hands around my waist, kissing me back. He pulled away. "Maybe we should watch the movie. I kinda ordered it, so if we don't watch it now, it'll be gone by midnight."

I laughed, and Ridge kissed my lips once more. "Okay," I said.

Braelyn's ring:

Wow, long chapter, but it was a good one, don't you think. Let me know, and please, check out my new story, Drowning. Thank you.

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