Chapter 16

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"Who knew journalism was so boring?" I asked Robin as we trudged through yet another extensive, unforgiving lecture from Professor Oakley. His monotonous voice threatened to lull me to sleep, and I would've if Lucy wasn't texting me every five seconds.

"Uh, I did," he responded dejectedly. "I wish I had some other talent, so I wouldn't be sitting through this boring ass talk. Wake me up if he looks this way." With those parting words, my friend made himself comfortable in the awkward seat of the lecture hall, snuggling his head against the backrest and closing his eyes.

"No promises."

My attention turned back to my phone. At least her texts were a welcome respite to this class. I'm sure everyone else shared the same sentiment as Robin and I.

Luce: guess who needs help

Luce: hint its me

Lo: What do you need? -_-

Luce: well since you were kind enough to ask, chem is hard

Lo: Are you taking the same course as Em?

Luce: yeah i think so

Lo: Okay. Go bother her.

Luce: nah. your more fun to annoy

Lo: *You're. Also, go screw yourself.

Luce: i'll pass, thanks for the offer tho

I looked up to find our professor's gaze trained somewhat in our direction. I tapped Robin and his eyes shot open. He scanned around the room and sat up in his chair.

"How much longer till it's over?" he asked, folding his toned arms across his chest.

"I don't know. You have a watch."

Ignoring my retort, he began to pester me. I just couldn't escape annoying people today, apparently. It was either Robin or Emery or Lucy making my day more difficult. Sooner or later, Dean was going to start doing the same. Can't wait.

"By the way, I'm also going to the a capella thing tomorrow. It gonna be so fun."

"You like singing?" I asked, genuinely surprised. He had never mentioned anything about music before.

"I don't know. I've always been more into dancing, but you never know. I like to broaden my horizons, increase my opportunities, heighten m--"

"I get it." I cut him off, but he just smiled. "Go back to sleep, dork."

Lo: Remember we have the a capella meeting tomorrow.

Luce: yep its on my calendar

Lo: Bullshit.

Luce: hey i still need help with chem

Lo: I'm in class rn. Can't this wait?

Luce: no i have it in a couple hours. i would call Em, but the librarian would kick me out, plus Em never checks her phone

Lo: Haha, true, unless she's waiting for a call

Luce: what

Lo: Nevermind. What are you learning about?

I spent the rest of my time in Fundamentals of Mass Communication helping Lucy with some Chemistry concepts. It wasn't the quickest process, as trying to explain an entire chapter of content over texts was inefficient and frustrating. Nevertheless, she eventually "understood" what I was talking about and dropped the subject. Which was good; it was starting to get just as boring as my current class.

Luce: thanks for the help, your the best ;)

Lo: I'm not even gonna bother correcting you anymore.

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