Chapter 17

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"We're gonna be late."

Standing above me, Emery smacked me with her pillow again. I responded with a grunt, turning so my back faced her. I refused to abandon the comfort of my warm mattress. I honestly didn't give shit about this meeting, and if Lucy was going to be there, I definitely didn't want to go. 8:00 a.m. was too damn early for a weekend anyway. Even if I spend the past 12 hours doing absolutely nothing, it didn't mean I wasn't entitled to a couple hours of extra sleep.

Suddenly, I felt a cold rush of air as the blankets were ripped away from my bed by my very annoyed, very fed up roommate. Well, now I had to get up. She was pissed enough to not flash her trademark victorious grin when I finally sat up to face her.

"The hell is your problem?" I asked. Bad idea.

"My problem is that your lazy ass wouldn't wake up. It's 8:40. I am not your mother or babysitter, in case you haven't noticed." Her voice was surprisingly calm, though her words were laced with venom. I'd never seen her in this bad of a mood before. Did it have something to do with where she was last night? I fell asleep before she came back, but I figured now wasn't exactly the best time to ask about that.

"I'm sorry. I'm going," I groaned, opening the door to the hallway. It was going to be a very long day.


The student center was already bustling by the time we made it, a couple minutes to spare. Robin paused his conversation with a few other people to wave us over. He was as happy as Emery should have been this morning.

"Making friends already?" I asked when he was within earshot. Beside me, Emery was unusually quiet. Robin must've noticed because his smile faltered slightly. He looked to me for an explanation, but I just shrugged.

Robin introduced us to his new friends Sam and Tomas. The two seemed to be complete opposites. For starters, Sam was dressed very casually in worn out clothes. He would've passed as a homeless guy if he skipped a couple showers and let his closely cropped brown hair grow out for a while. His plain t-shirt was ragged, but maybe that was just the style these days. I didn't keep up with men's fashion, the trends were always really bizarre anyway.

Tomas on the other hand, was dressed in a button up shirt and khakis. He wore an expensive looking watch, his jet black hair messy, yet groomed. His eyes were almost as dark as his hair, and he grinned at us.

"Tomas is an exchange student," Robin explained thoughtfully. "He's from Colombia. I've always wanted to go there, so I'll have a friend if I ever decide to." I chuckled at the thought of Robin touring the country with Tomas. I could just imagine Robin annoying the hell out of Tomas.

"And Sam is just Sam. He's already boring me."

Sam ignored Robin's jest and held out a hand to me. He was easily the tallest out of all of us, even slouching. A cocky smirk played on his face.

His electric blue eyes found mine. "Robin just feels threatened cause he knows I'm so much more interesting than him."

"Yep. You're so interesting that you have to advertise it. You have pretty eyes, I'll give you that, but that's all you got going for you."

We continued to chat for a little until the meeting started. Emery seemed to relax a little bit, even though she remained completely silent during our interaction with Sam and Tomas. It was really starting to concern me, but I let her be. There had to be a reason why she wouldn't tell me what was going on with her.

The leaders of the a capella group ushered us all into a meeting room. It was a bit cramped. There had to be over fifty people stuffed in here. They went over some basic things about audition dates, meeting times, and important events and competitions. All the stuff they covered was found on their website, allowing me to zone out.

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