The Lost boys pt 3

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"Naomi?" a voice called out, directly behind me. I turned around. It was Parker. Oh, dear god. For the love of cheese and crackers! Parker O'Neil, by ex-boyfriend. 

I turned back around and started to walk forward, trying to ignore Parker. "Wait, Nao-"

"What the heck do you want Parker?!?" I yelled, still not turning around.

"Look, Naomi, I know you're still pretty pissed at me, but please, just listen to me.."

I hesitated to leave but I didn't. "What do you want Parker..?"

"I want you to forgive me.. Or at least tell me that you forgive me.."

"No, I don't, and never will."

"But Nao-"

"What's going on here?" Dominic interrupted. 

"Uh, um, hi, sir, I was just talking to Naomi over here." Parker stuttered. 

"Yeah, I can see that."

"O'Neil, go and check the third camera a." 

"Yes sir."

And the footsteps behind me vanished. Lighter foot steps came closer to me, and it grabbed my waist. 

"Dominic what are you-"

"Nothing Nomi, just wanted to hug my girlfriend."

Okay what now? 

"Excuse me? Girlfriend?"

"Yes, girlfriend."

"Hate to burst your bubble Dominic, but i'm taken, plus, I wouldn't date a crook like you."

"Why not?"

"Is it not obvious?"


"you freaking kidnapped me, forced me to wear your clothes, and then call me your girlfriend?"


"Let go!!"


He picked me up and held me like a newborn dog. 

He was staring at me, but not at my face.

"Eew! You sicko!" I said. I tried kicking and punching him but his arms were far beyond distance between me and him. 







"Can't beat that.."

"Of course you can't.. Now put me down right this instance!"

"Aww, but you're so cute when you're mad!"

"Stop it with the jokes DOMINIC!"



He finally put me down and we parted our ways. "Pervert." I mumbled. "Glorious." he mumbled back.

I finally escaped the hall ways, where I found out that Parker was in the LB gang too. Sicko. Now my stomach hurts. I went to wander around the LB's base, looking for the kitchen, where I ran into Raymond. 

"Ow, what the-"

"Watch your language Meyers." one of the tall guys said. 

"Whatever." he mumbled. 

Then I heard a crash, a window crash.

"QUICK! FIND THE GIRL, FIND THE GIRL!" they all yelled. What? Did they think I escaped? I looked to my left and right and some footsteps were coming in the left. I ran to the right and found a door. I opened it up and it was a sizable place for me to hide. I quickly locked myself in there, and apparently, I wasn't alone. 

"Nice to see you again." and a hand went over my mouth.


I'm so sorry for the short chapter! I was off-schedule with my chapters! This was supposed to be for earlier in writing class but apparently, they canceled it! Sorry! But I promise that tomorrow will be much more better! Here's part 3! Make sure to leave a vote and comment! 


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