The Lost boys pt 4

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"Hello Naomi.." a voice said. I could recognize it. It was Jordan. 

"Jordan! You scared the living crap out of me! I thought you were one of Dominic's goons!" I whispered loudly after he took his hand off of my mouth. 

"Shh, don't worry, it's just me Jordan, the one and only!"

"Hm, how do I know you are the real one?" 

"Because, would the real Jordan know the everlasting love and fan-fiction of Bennomi?"



"Okay, but what if they find us? There are cameras everywhere!"

"That's why i'm hiding in the closet, duh! I disabled the cameras in a nano second, they can't see through them!"

"But how-"

"Naomi, I know you have a bunch of questions, but please, shush for a few minutes, Bennett and Declan will take care of-"

"Where's Naomi Andrew?" Dominic asked, outside of the closet.

"Um, I don't know sir, we can't access the-"

"Of course you can't! The musketeers are here, I bet that Jeremy, or whatever that bimbo is hacked our cameras, go get Oliver and Piper, tell them to search the place, I bet Naomi would be hiding somewhere here."

"Of course sir, yes sir."

 I heard light footsteps leaving. It was Dominic's. Then I heard two voices coming back with Dominic. 

"Agh, Dominic, if you're going to push us around, try being more gentle, my back aches.." one of them said. And that one voice was Declan. 

"Yeah, take it easy on us." the other one said. And that one was Bennett. 

"Shut it 'teers." Dominic growled. 


"Dominic, we know what you want, we have it, it's in the trunk of the car." Bennett said.

"Great, we are giving that up?"

I wonder what that was..

"Of course we are Declan! What do you think? We aren't just going to give Naomi up!"

"By the way, now that we are speaking about her, where is she?"

"I don't know!"


"Yeah, same reaction here, can't find her, our cameras where hijacked."

"Well then.."

It was quiet. 

"So... how are you guys..?" Declan asked, trying to stir up a conversation. 

"Now's not the time to be asking the LB's feelings Declan!"

"Whatever, i'm just trying to pass the time while they find Naomi."

"Where the heck is she then?"

"I don't know! One second we were arguing and the other she just disappeared!" Dominic yelled. 

"Arguing? arguing about what?" Bennett asked.

"Nothing, just normal girlfriend and boyfriend things."


"Yes, jealous?"

"Oh you son of a-"

"Watch your language Lynch, Naomi could be here."

"I just hope she's okay.."


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