The First Good Girl Part One

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A/N- If you hate anything like theory chapters or somewhat 'spoiling', then skip this chapter. After Rubix updated that chapter, I have things I am theorizing of. This isn't spoiling, yet this is one of my theory chapters. So please, if you do not like or read these kind of chapters, then skip to the next one. Also, I made up the whole chapter, even if you think something is wrong, I had to make it wrong so that it can fit with the chapter. Thank you!




You have been warned!

Bennett's p.o.v

I remember it like yesterday. The first good girl. I remember her, like the back of my hand. 

We just found Naomi sleeping in my bed, though, everyone knew why. We were dating, yeah, for about two months, almost three. Anyway, I found her snuggling in my hoodie and sweatpants in my bed. So, I tucked her in further to make sure she wasn't cold. It was winter at that time, and I had my deepest regret frozen inside me. 

The first good girl. She was, excitable, brave, and so, extrovert-y. She reminded me that you could do all the possible things in the world if you just had hope and a couple of friends. She told me that you could dream of the impossible, and do it the next day. She was very faithful, and I remember her, like it was yesterday. The fact is that, she went away, because of our faults. Meaning, Jordan, Declan, and I had messed up, real bad. 

The first good girl. I remember our last middle school year. Declan, Jordan, and I were still best friends. We had met in the second year of middle school. We were all new students. And since everyone pretty much avoided us, we just stuck with each other like glue. Declan was the music freak. Every now and then, he would listen to music with his black ear-buds on the classroom and get detention for each time. Jordan was the techno-freak. He always had his pencil tapping like a computer with its keys tapping. If he didn't have a computer, he would be tapping something he could get his hands on. But if he did have a computer, all you could hear is the computer keys tapping. And if you bothered him, you would see hell rise. And me. The Bennett Frazier. People thought I was scary because I could hire a hit-man a kill the bullies. It was ridiculous of course, but never really believed it myself. But still, I still have bullies coming and going. And from time to time, our friendship grew. And that was Middle-school.

But we were missing one thing. 

A girl. 

Yes, we've been wanting to add a girl to our group. Having a girl that would hang out with us and would be chill with the things we do. We wanted that girl who doesn't care about clothes, or pretty much anything a guy would do. She wouldn't mind about the things we cared about. 

So, one day, a new student came in our last year of middle school. Her name was Natalie. Natalie Baker. She was a pretty awkward girl. At first, I thought she would be an average girl, the ones who would get good grades and a mild social class here. But instead, I saw different. She was shy looking, always wearing sweaters or shirts with sarcastic phrases. And over the course of the couple of days she had been attending the school, she never wore like a dress, heels, or even the slightest make-up is something I couldn't see. Something was, different, about her. She was like in her little world. 

I told the guys about Natalie. The way her hair swift along her foot-steps. And how her eyes sparkled under her glasses. Yet, there was something that seemed odd of her. 

She didn't speak on word. 

I never had heard her voice. Never in a million. She was always saved by the bell if a teacher had called on her. And if someone were to greet her in a way, all she did were smile. I only saw her pearly-white teeth and pink lips with smiles but no voice. It was weird, but I thought otherwise. 

"Maybe she can't talk. Maybe she has a talking problem.." Jordan offered, tossing a ball in the air and catching it. We were all outside, on the field, after school. It was kind of deserted when the athletes aren't playing. It was a perfect time to talk about plans for the next time we hung out. Yet I mentioned about Natalie and her actions. 

"Yeah, something may be up with her. But it isn't our word to go up to her and help her. She's a girl for sake, if we do something wrong, it may do something bad to her. It's all up to when you first start a conversation with her. Notice the way she reacts to things, and even the smallest and subtle things could give you a hint to certain things."  Declan added. He watched as Jordan nearly hit his face with the ball, and chuckled. 

I was soon beginning to think that maybe Declan was right. Maybe he was, or maybe he wasn't. But this was Natalie, a girl who couldn't really quite talk. 

"Declan. I somewhat agree with you, but then again. I saw how she reacted and stuff like that. I wanna create a bond between her and us. Sure, we are boys and we might get crazy and she might not be used to that. And from the looks of her, it looks like she has strict parents or something like that." I said, concluding my word. 

Whenever Natalie comes to school, she would always wear pants that were straight up clean or ironed nicely. No one in our school kind of dressed like that. Her hair was perfectly waved off of her shoulders. It's so precise looking. I didn't want to get the wrong idea, yet it was hard for me to think otherwise. Many popular girls here always wear something too tight, or too small. Not Natalie. Many geeks and nerds wear suspenders and dress-type clothes.(I don't mean this to be an offence.) Not Natalie. Natalie was always wearing something quirky.  She was different from most of the girls. 

I began to wander off in my mind. I wanted to catch this girls' attention instead of catching others'. I did like her, but as a friend of course. If I ever showed my feelings out like that for all of a sudden, she might think i'm that typical bad-boy or something like that. Me and the guys' first impression should be good enough to make her comfortable. 

So an idea sparked my brain. 

"Guys," I said, starting off and making sure I got their attention, "We should invite her here after school, to hang out and talk." 

They both looked at me, like I was crazy. I mean, I am crazy, but crazy for a good reason. 

But this is where everything gets started. 

Step One: Catch Her Attention



Yeah, sorry for the caps. 

I hoped you like this theory chapter I did!

Oh, and by the way, I might as well tell you guys this. 

I recently had made a new book, 'In love with my best-friends'. And I saw that a lot of people had liked it. So, being the writer I am, I had to make a schedule for all of my books. 

This fan-fiction will be updated twice a week, for the most. 

'Leave Me' will be updated once a week. 

And 'In love with my best friend' will be updated twice a week. 

Being a writer for so many books is hard, yet I am glad that I am evolving from a beginner to a full-time writer. I know that my writing pieces aren't the best, but I take my heart and soul to write these chapters. 

I love you guys so much!

Oh and! The reason I have two chapters updated is because if people don't wanna read this chapter, then they can read the other ones. 


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