Part four- the baby

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Kirito and Asuna were at the hospital. Asuna was having there child. Kirito stood right by the hospital bed hold asuna's hand.


Asuna was having our child today, and I was really happy. I had to keep on telling her to push and that she was doing great. And then, all of a sudden we heard a baby cry. Signaling that it was over. The nurse took the baby and told us it was baby girl. We both smiled at each other but soon I was told to step outside while they clean Asuna up and write the release papers. I had to sit in the hall but soon Asuna walked out with a cane and a nurse. The nurse was carrying a seat with our baby girl inside. I was so happy because that day was the day I became a dad. I carried the baby to the car and helped Asuna get there to, i drove back to the house but by time we got there Nanami was asleep ( the baby ). So I decided that I should show Asuna the room I got for the baby. It was complete with a changing table, cradle, and toys. When Asuna saw it she smiled kissed me. We put Nanami in her cradle and shut the door. Asuna and I were also very tired so we went to bed. We fell asleep peacefully and quietly.


I woke up still sore, but kirito wasn't in bed with me. I climbed out of bed and walked into the bathroom to see that kirito had set up a bath for me. He was standing next to the. Bath tub telling me to get in, so I listened but before I did I kissed his cheek. He blushed and smiled then he said he had to go feed Nanami. He walked out of the bathroom as I relaxed in my bath. A couple minutes later I finished up my bath and got dressed. I went down stairs to see the kirito was holding Nanami on the couch and feeding her. I smiled and sat down next to him. He asked me if I slept good and if I was hungry. I told him I did and I was very hungry. He then got up, put Nanami in her cradle. He asked what I wanted to eat for breakfast and I asked him to make me his French toast. He said ok and began cooking.


Today was Nanami's first day of school. She ran into me and asuna's room yelling at us to get up. I told Asuna to keep sleeping and I would take Nanami to school. She smiled and went back to bed as I got up to get dressed. Once I was ready i went down stairs to get Nanami breakfast.
Once she was ready we got in my car and drove to her school. It didn't take long to go there and back. When I did get back Asuna was showered and ready. So I decided to take a shower too.


Kirito got in the shower when he got back, so I decided to make pancakes to surprise him. He has always loved my pancakes so he will be very happy.
I finished making the breakfast right before he finished his shower. When he came down stairs and saw the breakfast, smiled and yelled out "yes"! We ate our breakfast and talked about what we were going to do that day. We finally decided to go to the festival that was in town today. We cleaned up and left for the festival. Kirito told me that we could take the motorcycle so we did.
When we got there lots of people had crowded it. We started by playing the games. We played a game were we cut a fragile bird made of wood out of a board. I beat kirito at it a couple times, and every time he would laugh. We decided to do something else, so we played a ring toss game. Kirito won and got a big stuffed purple panda, he gave to me as a gift. It made me real happy that he did give it to me. Then he said we should win something for Nanami. I said out and we went to a shooting gallery, kirito already had experience with guns (ggo) so I let him play. And sure enough, he won a stuffed bear.
After that it was lunch time and kirito said he was going to take me to a restaurant outside the festival. I smiled and said ok, we walked over to the motorcycle and put the toys in the side bags. We then got on and drove to the restaurant.


Asuna and me got on my motorcycle and drove to the restaurant. When we got there we walked in side and the waiter took us to our reserved table. The restaurant wasn't to fancy but it had class. The waiter handed us our menus and left. We decided what to eat and drink then we talked about little things like how Nanami was doing.
Soon the waiter came back and took our order. Asuna ramen and I got steak. The waiter came back shortly with drinks and appetizers. We ate a little and continued to talk.
Finally the food came out and we began to eat. Everything tasted great and we didn't wait long for refills on our drinks either. It took us 1 hour for us to finish and leave. Once we did leave we decided to go back home, so we hopped on my motorcycle and drove back. When we got there it was almost time for Nanami to get back so we put her new toy in her room and asuna's in are room. I sat down to watch tv and Asuna laid down next to me, putting her head in my lap. I combed her hair with my hand, she giggled whenever I touched her ear. It made me laugh too, then Nanami came in running towards us. Asuna sat up to catch her as she jumped at us. Nanami said that everyone was really nice and friendly. We smiled at how happy she was, then we told her to go look in her room and that it was a surprise. She threw her stuff down and ran into her room. Me and Asuna sat back down and continued to back tv. A couple minutes later Nanami came running out of her room with the bear yelling thank you. We smiled and had a group hug.


Once we finished hugging we all sat down together to watch a movie. Kirito found angry birds ( I didn't make that movie or game). Nanami seemed really happy about it, Nanami sat on the floor while me and kirito sat on the love seat. Nanami said she was hungry so I got up to make popcorn. When I came back kirito looked half asleep, we did have a long day so I laid down next to him and put my head in his lap. And as always, he started combing my hair with his hand.
After a while the movie ended and it was time for dinner. I decided to make soup. Kirito and Nanami were really happy to see that I was making dinner, they love my cooking so I try to cook more often. Kirito started setting the table while Nanami played with her toys. Then kirito said " I am going to give Nanami a bath after dinner so you can relax". I told him that he doesn't have to do all the work. He smiled and said " I love doing work for you ". I smiled and said ok even though I wanted to help more. After a few minutes the soup was ready and I called everyone to the table. They sat down so quick it the soup began to shake. I laughed as I me and kirito served our selves and Nanami. We began to eat and as always, they said it was amazing. I love it when my family complements the things I do.
Once we finished our dinner kirito helped me clean up, then told Nanami to come with him for the bath. She smiled said ok and went with him, I finished cleaning up the table and sat down to watch my favorite tv show. Kirito normally would make some pretty funny jokes about what the guy said. But kirito was upstairs, so I decided to see what was going on up there.


Nanami was playing in her bath when Asuna walked in. Nanami jumped up from playing to say hi, but she ended up slashing me. When Asuna saw what had happened she started to laugh. Nanami began to laugh to but she said sorry. I grabbed a towel to wipe my self off. Asuna told me " hurry it up, it's almost time for bed". So I said ok and told Nanami " hear that, it's time to wash your hair". Nanami listened and grabbed the soap bottle. She handed it to me and I got some soap out to scrub her hair

20 minutes later

Nanami finished her bath and we just put her to bed. She sleeps in a twin sized bed now. Asuna and me also got ready for bed by putting on our pj's. We climbed in the bed, normally Asuna would sleep beside me but tonight she cuddled up with me. I didn't mind because to be honest, if she wasn't there I would be cold. We fell asleep shortly.

To be continued

Sorry it took so long to write

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