part 13- drugs

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Zen is one years old, and everything is great except for one thing.


I just got back from my recovery group. When I was in SAO in the real world I was on drugs that were keeping me alive. But they got me hooked and now I have too go to this recovery meeting twice a week. Asuna signed me up after I passed out right in front of everyone. Its extremely hard to just ignore the calling for the drugs but every time I thing of the pills I think of Asuna. Its helping a lot.
When I walked inside the house I saw that Asuna had made lunch. When she saw me she asked me how it went and I told her it went great. I hung my coat up and walked over to the table, she kissed my cheek and handed me a sandwich. Then Nanami ran over to me and gave me a big hug, I kissed her forehead and told her to sit down and eat. She said ok and went to her chair. Asuna handed her a plate of food. We ate our lunch and talked about how the meeting went.


Kirito's meetings seem to be really helping him. I haven't seen him on drugs in days.
Kirito went outside too get fire wood because its supposed to snow tonight. I look out side and he was walking real sluggish, then I realized he walked that way when he was on drugs. I ran for the door and opened it but when I got outside he was passed out on the ground foaming to the mouth. I pulled out my phone and dialed 911.
The paramedics were on there way, I ran over too Kirito and flipped him over. His eyes were rolled back and was coughing. Soon enough the ambulance showed up, they pulled out a stretcher and put kirito on it. I went inside and got the kids. I had to quickly tell them what happened and get them in the car. I got in the car as well and started driving to the hospital. During the drive I thought about what could have happened. I found all of his drugs and threw them out, so he must be on something else.
We soon arrived at the hospital and I got the kids out. We ran into the ER and went to the front desk. I asked the lady were his room was and she pointed at a hallway and said " room 248". I said thank you and told the kids to follow me. We found room 248 and went in. Kirito was laying on a bed asleep, a nurse walked around the corner and asked who we were. I told her we're his family, then she said " Kirito had used a drug that was sopposed to stop his thirst for the other drug but he used it wrong". I felt tears running down my cheek as I walked over to him. The nurse said her should be fine in a couple of hours, she left the room and held Kirito's hand. HE slowly opened his eye's and said " I'm sorry Asuna, I just want this thing to go away". I told him " Kirito I'm your wife, if you need help you come to me. I will always be there for you". He smiled and closed his eyes. Before he could go to sleep again I kissed him.


Kirito woke up and me and the kids were waiting for him. The docter said he has the clear to go. I helped him out of bed and out of the room. We walked out of the hospital and into the car, It was night time out so I wanted get home make dinner for him and the kids. I just hope that he can get over this pandemic.


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