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I got caught up at the arcade machines when Brooke walked over.

"We've been looking everywhere for you" she laughed.

"Sorry I couldn't let Maddie beat me at whack-a-mole" I laughed motioning to the curly red headed girl beside me.

"I'm sorry Maddie but I have to steal Sky away for work" Brooke said.

"That's ok Miss that means I win" Maddie said proudly I smiled.

"Yes you win this time but next time it's on" I said and the little girl laughed. I followed Brooke to the front of the centre. Near the front door were a few people about 9.

Three of them had cameras hung around their necks, another three with microphones or some sort of recording device and the last three with notepads and pens.

"There you two are" Carl said with a smile.

"Sorry, someone was in the arcade playing with the kids" Brooke said with a smile.

"No that's quite alright customers come first" Carl said and I smiled. "Why don't we start with the original gang?" Carl suggested. The reporters just followed along. The customers in this area were told what was going on and agreed to be in a few shots.

"So what made you decide to open up 'Fazbears Funzone'?" A man with a recorder asked as we walked to the stage.

"Well it was all the girls idea so i'll leave the interview to them" Carl said. Gee thanks.

"So?" The man asked.

"Why we wanted to open Fazbears Funzone? Well that is quite simple, Freddy Fazbears pizzeria was our favourite place to go as children" Brooke said and looked at me.

"We actually met at the pizzeria and became best friends since then. And we thought why not give kids today that chance. So we came up with Fazbears Funzone" I smiled.

"Are these the original animatronics?" Another reporter asked.

"These are in fact the original animatronics well mostly from what we could recover they needed a few new pieces" Brooke said with a laugh. "Our main problem was wires and rust"

"Who repaired them?"

"We did, Brooke and myself we did most of what you see here today. But we couldn't have done it with out Carl though" I said.

"I only financially supported the project these young ladies did everything else" Carl said. Brooke and I laughed.

"That's true" I said.

"Ok now we will quickly snap some photos and continue on so the patrons can continue with the show" Carl said. Brooke grabbed the play guitar from the toy pit. I walked over to Chica and took the mechanical hand.

"Chica can we please borrow you for a second?" I said triggering the 'follow me' command. I lead Chica up the steps to the stage. Brooke looked like she was rocking out with bonnie whilst I was dancing with Chica.

"That should do" Carl said.

"Thank you Chica" I said and that triggered the 'return to previous chore' command. She went back to serving pizza.

"Now if you'll follow me to a place etched into my heart pirate cove" I said. Pirate cove we decided to make a lot bigger than foxy's old small stage. Pirate cove was both a stage and a playground ship. We did the same as before answered questions, put on costumes and took photos.

"Thank you all for coming hope to see you back again" Carl said to the reporters. Brooke and I said goodbye to customers leaving for the night as closing time approached.

"Today went well" I said closing the door.

"Today went great. I can't believe how well everything has turned out" Brooke said a proud smile on her face. "Now it's time to clean up and plug the animatronics in to charge"

"Worth it" I said a smile on my face. I walked over to the toy gangs stage. I walked over and pressed a button hidden by the curtains. Four panels popped open revealing the charging plugs. I pulled out the first one and walked over to toy bonnie.

"Toy bonnie freeze" I said and the blue bunny froze as so I didn't get hurt. I reached my finger under the head and undid the latch. A panel opened up and I plugged in the cord I did that with the remaining animatronics in the 'toy' section. I jumped down and packed away the actual toys into the toy pit. I cleaned up the 'toy gang' area and wiped down the tables before helping Brooke with the Funtime animatronics. I walked over to Funtime foxy and got out the power cord before walking over to her.

"Come on Funtime foxy time to charge" I said the animatronic walked over to me and turned her back. "Thank you foxy" I said the pink and white animatronic fox nodded at me before powering down to charge. I went over to circus baby and she sat down in front of the charger port. I plugged her in and she powered down. Cleaning up didn't take as long as I thought it would and hour later and everything was ready for the next day. I pulled down the metal shutters as waited for Brooke. She did the last checks to make sure no one was left inside the building. She walked out and I turned on the security system. I walked out the door and and locked it.

"Big day" Brooke said.

"Can't wait to have a sleep" I said.

"Agreed" Brooke said and we got in her car we went home and I had a shower before heading straight to bed.

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