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I woke up feeling a tugging at my hair. I sat up and after a look in the mirror i realised my hair was stuck in my hand. Like really stuck. I walked out to Brooke's room and knocked on her door. I heard a groan and a thump. A small laugh escaped my lips as the door opened

"I have a small problem" I said and moved my hand causing me wince at the pain. I gave a small smile.

"Command funtime foxy spare hand 0001" Brooke said, the hand laid flat and She untangled it from my hair.

"Thanks" I said with a laugh. "I think I might sleep with it off from now on"

"That would be smart" Brooke said.

"It would, get dressed breakfast is on me today" I said.

"Awesome" Brooke said we got dressed and headed out for breakfast we went to a small diner and ate. We then went to the Funzone. We walked in and went and said hi to Mark.

"How are you feeling?" Brooke asked tucking some hair behind her ear.

"Yeah heaps better" Mark said smiling at her.

"Hey uh I left my phone in the car I'll be back" I said.

"Yeah ok" Brooke said. I walked out of the office.

"Hey Sky" I looked down to see balloon boy.

"And what are you doing?" I asked squatting down.

"The marionette sent me to wait for you and take you to it" he said.

"Well then lead the way" I said. Balloon Boy took my hand and took me into the arcade and over to the marionettes box.

"She's here" Balloon Boy said knocking on the box.

"Yes yes I heard you Balloon Boy" the marionettes voice came from the box before it opened. "Hello dear how are you?"

"I'm good thank you" I said "and you?"

"Quite well" he said. "Balloon Boy can you go get the box?"

"Ok be right back" Balloon Boy said scampering off.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Nothing to worry about dear" it said. I nodded and soon Balloon Boy came back with a small cardboard box in his hands. The marionette took it from him. "Thank you Balloon Boy that's all"

"See you later Sky" balloon boy said and walked away.

"Your power levels are quite low. Here are some batteries. I'm not sure if you can make it through the day so please make sure you put them in as soon as you can" marionette said handing me the small box.

"Thank you" I said. "I'll go do that now" I walked into parts and service and put the batteries in my hand and foot in the blind spot under the camera. I disposed off the old batteries and walked towards the office it was oddly quiet. I peeked in the window.

"Ok not what I was expecting to see" I said to myself. I coughed loudly as I walked in. The two broke apart.

"I'm uh gonna leave now" Mark said grabbing his bag.

"Bye Mark" I called as he walked down the hall.

"Bye" I heard him say I turned back to Brooke. "You smeared your lipstick" I said and went into the main room beginning the morning preparations. Brooke soon came out and helped. "Soo?" I asked sitting in one of the booths.

"What?" Brooke asked blushing.

"You and Mark?" I asked.

"What about it?" She sat down.

"How long have you two been?"

"No it's not like that"

"So what is it then?" I asked.

"He just kissed me today and I kissed back then you walked in" she said.

"Do you like him?" I asked.

"Maybe" her cheeks went even redder. I smiled.

"You so do" I said.

"Shut up" she muttered and I laughed.

"Well you two would make a cute couple" I said getting up.

"Really?" She asked and I nodded. She smiled.

"Anyway we have work to do" I said patting her shoulder she nodded and we got back to work.

I was serving when a pair of hands went over my eyes. I turned around to see Nate. I gave him a quick hug.

"Shouldn't you be sleeping for your shift?" I asked crossing my arms.

"Connor wanted to come back the kid loves it here" Nate said. "Thought I'd just say hi"

"Hey Nate were just over here" a lady called sitting down at a table.

"That's my aunt Lucy" Nate said.

"You should probably get back to them" I said.

"Uh yeah ok" he said and walked off. I laughed shaking my head. After another table I walked over to Nate's table.

"Hi, I'm Skylar I'll be serving you this afternoon are you ready to order?" I asked. At the table sat the boy from the other day Connor, Nate, his aunt Lucy and another boy aged around sixteen he had brown hair that easily riches his shoulders.

"Yes um Connor wich one did you want?" Lucy asked.

"Nuggets!" Connor shouted. I smiled.

"So you want foxy's treasure?" I asked talking about the kids meal.

"Yes please" Connor said.

"I'll just have a basket of chips Lucas what did you want?" Lucy asked.

"Are you on the menu?" Lucas asked winking at me. I couldn't help but laugh as Nate flicked him.

"Not funny dude" Nate said.

"Did you need a menu?" I asked.

"Yes please" he said. I took the kids one from the back of the clipboard and handed it to him.

"Do you want the crayons as well?" I asked. At this point the rest of the table were laughing their heads off.

"Can I have one?" Connor asked.

"Here" Lucas grumbled giving the kids menu to Connor I gave him the crayons from my pocket and he started colouring the picture on the back.

"Now Lucas this time don't be rude what do you want for lunch?" Lucy asked.

"Barbecue pizza" he said.

"And what about you Nate?" I asked.

"Surprise me" he said with a smile.

"Alrighty then" I said.

"I'll be back with that in a couple of minutes" I said and walked towards the kitchen.

"What happened?" Brooke and Keisha asked leaning on the bench.

"What?" I asked.

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