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I woke up to my phone ringing. I groaned and sat up looking at the caller ID, Carl.

"Hello?" I answered

"You and Brooke need to meet me at Fazbears, the security alarm is going off and police are already on their way" I woke right up when I heard that.

"Ok see you soon" I said jumping out of bed I threw on my dressing gown and went into Brooke's room and shook her awake.

"Ugh what's the time?" She groaned.

"It's 2 in the morning but the alarms are going off, Carl and cops are on their way" I said and she jumped up out of bed I went and chucked on my ugg boots and grabbed a hair tie off my dresser. I walked down the hall tying up my hair.

"I'll drive" I said grabbing my keys as Brooke still looked half asleep. We walked out the door it was freezing and foggy, Fun. We walked over to my car and got in. I turned the key and on the fifth try the car engine came to life. Brooke turned on the heater and I pulled out of the driveway and headed towards Fazbears. It took a while for the heater to kick in but once it did it felt great. Soon we pulled up the front of the place lit up in flashes of red and blue. Carl looked over and came over to the car.

"What's going on?" I asked winding down the window.

"We don't know there's no sign of a break in" he said wrapping his coat tighter around himself. "Did you check before you left?"

"Every nook and cranny" Brooke said and Carl nodded. I heard a car pull up behind me.

"Who's that?" I asked.

"Oh it's my niece Keisha she's in town for a while" Carl said and a girl with brownish blonde hair stepped out of the car. She was holding a bunch of take out cups.

"Careful their hot" Keisha said. Carl put his hand through the open widow handing Brooke a cup then myself.

"Thank you" we both said and got out of the car. We all walked over to the officer Carl said was in charge. Sergeant mason.

"Are these two the other co-owners?" Mason asked.

"Yes they are" Carl said. "This is Skylar and this is Brooke"

"So we have found no signs of a break in. Since you two were last inside we need you to see if you can notice if anything has moved or has gone missing" mason said.

"Um uh yeah we can do that" I said looking at Brooke who nodded. We gave our cups to Keisha and we were gives a torch each. We walked over to the door I put in the key and unlocked the door. You could hear the faint beeping of the alarm. We made our way along the wall towards the power board and security box. We heard a crash and I grabbed Brooke's hand.

"Come out with your hands up" sergeant Mason shouted his gun and torch in hand pointing in the direction the noise came from. "Get the lights on" he said. I put the code into the alarm whilst Brooke turned on the lights. I turned around to see Funtime Freddy his hand and bonnie puppet in in the air as he walked towards us, even puppet Bonnies hands were up. "What's it doing?" Mason asked slightly lowering his gun.

"He's doing as programmed 'come out hands up' is one of the safety commands we programmed" Brooke explained.

"Did you make sure Freddy powered down?" I asked.

"I must've forgot" Brooke said.

"And that set off the motion sensor" we both said nodding.

"We are just going to have a quick look around just to make sure" sergeant Mason said.

"Ok we're just going to go put Freddy on charge" I said. Brooke and I took Funtime Freddy over to his little stage and plugged him in making sure he powered down.

"Thank you sergeant" Brooke said as we locked back up after the police had a run through of the building.

"No worries just make sure to turn those things off" he said a slight smile pulling at his lips.

"We will" I said and Keisha walked over handing us our drinks.

"Is everything ok?" Carl asked.

"Yeah Funtime Freddy wasn't powered down and was roaming" I explained cupping the warm beverage in my hands.

"They did a walk through just to double check and everything is fine" Brooke said.

"Ok as long as everything is alright" he said.

"Sorry we've been rude I'm Skylar but call me sky and this is my best friend Brooke" I said smiling at Keisha.

"No it's fine you had other stuff going on. My names Keisha, I'm staying with uncle Carl for the summer" she said.

"Well that's got to be alright" Brooke said

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"Well that's got to be alright" Brooke said.

"The rest of the family has gone on a cruise but because of someone's behaviour they're stuck here" Carl said and Keisha rolled her eyes making me laugh. "And she doesn't know this yet, but she has to get a job over the summer. She's not just sitting on her computer" Keishas jaw almost touched the ground. She looked like a animatronic who just ran out of power.

"That's not fair" Keisha finally said coming back to life.

"It actually is" Brooke said.

"Every summer Brooke and I had jobs and it was fine" I said. Keisha crossed her arms.

"So I was thinking maybe she could work here" Carl said. Her eyes filled with mixed feeling of excitement and dread.

"Hmm I have a slot open later today around hmm let's say you come in with a resume and we'll give you an interview" I said and winked at her.

"Thanks girls well we should probably head home and get some sleep before we have to open up" Carl said and yawned.

"I like that idea" Brooke said. I shook my head with a laugh. We all headed home and went to bed.

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