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"Wakey, wakey" I heard Brooke say walking in my room. I groaned sitting up.

"Is it morning already?" I asked moving my hair out of my face.

"Yes it is" Brooke laughed I looked at the time it was 7am.

"Well it's better than 2" I said and Brooke nodded before walking out.

"Oh yeah your on breakfast this morning" she called.

"HOPE YOU WANT TAKEOUT" I called back with a laugh.

"THAT'S FINE" she called back. I got up and showered before getting ready. When I was satisfied with my appearance I walked down stairs and waited for Brooke.

Soon she walked downstairs and we were off

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Soon she walked downstairs and we were off. I drove to the local café and we grabbed breakfast to go. I pulled up at Fazbears. We got out and went inside after deactivating the security system. We ate and got straight to work setting up for the day. We wiped down the tables, made sure napkin holders were full, checked the soda machine and all that stuff. Staff began arriving around 10 and helped out. By 11 we were ready to open and start serving. Brooke and I went and unplugged the animatronics. Each of them got into their positions. We opened the doors and soon enough the place was filled with little kids running around. I decided to go over and sit with the kids at Funtime Freddy's joke junction.

"Hey Freddy, I have a joke for you" bonnie puppet said.

"What's that bonnie?" Funtime Freddy replied.

"Ok Freddy what room does a ghost not need?" Bonnie puppet said.

"I don't know bonnie, what room does and ghost not need?" Funtime Freddy asked.

"A LIVING ROOM HAHAHAHA" the puppet laughed. And so did the kids. I smiled after a few more jokes I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned to see Keisha.

"Sorry to interrupt" she said quietly. I got up.

"No no it's fine" I said.

"Uncle Carl helped me do the resume" she said.

"Come on let's go into the office and have the interview" I said with a smile and she nodded. We walked over to a door that had staff only written on it in white block letters. I opened the door and held it open. Keisha walked past and into the hall.

"Thank you" she said and we went into Brooke and My shared office. I sat down in the chair on the other side of the pastel blue desk.

"So let's have a look at that resume" I said and Keisha handed it over. We had a talk as I looked through everything. "Everything seems fine here. So one last question, why aren't you on the cruise?" I asked resting my head on my hands.

"Oh um" she stammered.

"You've got the job from the minute Carl said you had to get one. I'm just curious" I said.

"First off thank you" Keisha said with a smile.

"Your welcome"

"And I'm not on the cruise because I'm failing school" she said.

"But it says here that you have top scores in most of your classes" I said confused as I looked at her reports.

"I know everything that they're teaching and I started slacking off, skipping classes" Keisha said.

"I know that feeling haha anyway, Carl is right your not going to be slacking off anytime soon" I said.

"What do you mean?" Keisha asked and I got out her uniform.

"You are going to be assistant manager" I said her eyes almost popped out of her head.

"Wait your joking aren't you" she said as I placed the box on the desk in front of her.

"No I'm not. And you are going to prove that you can make the best out of what your given. Go put these on you start in twenty minutes" I say.

"Oh uh um ok" she said picking up the box and leaving. I put her resume in the drawer and left the office.

"So how'd it go?" Brooke asked.

"It went well" I said.

"So what did she do wrong?"

"Skipped a bit of school" I said

"So she's no thief murderer?" Brooke asked making me laugh.

"No just a teenager" I said. Brooke chuckled with a nod.

"So hey I've been thinking maybe instead of the security system we just get a security guard" Brooke said.

"Not a bad idea and we can use the spare office for them" I said and Brooke nodded. Soon Keisha walked over.

"You look great" Brooke said

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"You look great" Brooke said.

"Thank you" Keisha said.

"Just for today help out with serving and cleaning that way you get familiar with how things are set up and how they run" I said. She nodded and went over to a table and started taking orders.

"You reckon she'll be alright?" Brooke asked.

"Yeah" I said.

"Girls!" Brooke and I turned to see Carl rushing over news paper in hand.

"Carl slow down you'll hurt yourself" Brooke laughed.

"We made the front cover" he said showing us the paper.

'New faces! New start!' The headlines read. I took the news paper out of his hand and we sat down at a table reading it.

"Even with old 'fazbear curse' two girls take on the chance with ruined fazbear name. Past reputation of Freddy Fazbear pizzerias has ruined countless of previous venues. Will Fazbear Funzone rise above the rest and pull in successful revenue? Parents don't seem worried as they let their kids interact with the once name 'haunted' animatronic animals. Yesterday at the grand opening many patrons joined the new owners in opening the doors to the new establishment. With old memories powering the idea of Fazbears Funzone will we see you there?" I read out part of what was written. Brooke turned the news paper around and flicked in a few pages. Reviews. She skimmed down with her index finger until she reached Fazbears Funzone.

"'Great times the kids loved it, so many memories of going there and hanging out after school. It felt like I had actually stepped through a time portal back in time.' That's one of them" Brooke said. "'Can't wait to go back! service was lovely, food was great my little girl loved dancing with Bellora' 'to the owners well done definitely going to be a family outing destination' it sounds like people really like it"

"It does" I said smiling at Brooke.

"One day and we have a 5 out of 5 stars in the reviews" Carl said.

"This place is going to be great" I said.

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