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"There you are" Brooke said and noticed Nate. "I didn't ruin anything did I?" She asked looking between us.

"No Nate already did that" I laughed. Brooke raised an eyebrow and I looked at her.

"What happened to your face?" Brooke asked going into her locker.

"It's not that bad is it?" I asked and looked in the mirror.

"Yeah for a panda or a raccoon" Brooke said. Walking over with her makeup bag.

"Gee thanks" I said.

"Up on the sink I'll fix you up" she said. "Out you go Nate" she showed him away he laughed. "Marks out there looking for you two go make sure he hasn't died or anything"

"Haha ok" Nate said and waved walking out. As soon as the door closed Brooke turned to me.

"So what happened?" She asked. I told her everything word for word what happened. As I told her what happened she fixed my makeup.

"And then you walked in" I said.

"So I don't need to beat his ass?" Brooke asked packing up the make up.

"No you don't" I said.

"Ok then but-"

"Anything happens you will" I said.

"Exactly" she said putting her things back in the locker and closing it. "We have a party to attend to" she said. I nodded jumping down off of the sink. We walked out music filling out ears. Soon we had to start closing down. We sent Keisha home she was so tired. Brooke, Mark, Nate and I were the last ones left. Brooke and Mark had disappeared off somewhere, I don't want to know what they were doing. I heard 'death of a bachelor' start playing. I saw Nate walking over.

"I never got a dance tonight" he said. "May I have this dance m'lady?" He asked putting his hand out I smiled placing my hand in his.

"I'd love to" I said. He pulled me close to him as we swayed back and forth. The chorus picked up the beat and he twirled me. He caught my other hand pulling me back to him. He took off my gloves. I freaked out a little.

"It's alright" he said. I nodded and he took my hand back in his. He smiled as he sang softly to me. I closed my eyes smiling. I let got of his hand wrapping my arms around his neck. I rested my head on his shoulder smiling.

"This is perfect" I whispered to myself but Nate heard.

"It is" he said and sped up his steps as the beat picked up. I giggled trying to copy his movements. He slowed down resting his forehead against mine, I looked into his brown eyes as he looked into mine. "You ready?" He asked.

"Ready for what?" I asked and he dipped me as the song ended. I smiled as I looked into his deep brown eyes. He smiled and lent down kissing me. I let my eyes close as I kissed him back. Not breaking the kiss we slowly stood up properly. I heard a muffled squeal and pulled away lightly laughing. I rested my forehead against Nate's.

"Wow" he breathed.

"Your telling me" I whispered. He pecked me on the lips before wrapping his arms round me pulling me close. I closed my eyes resting my head on his shoulder.

"We know your there" Nate said making me laugh.

"Told you" I heard mark say.

"I couldn't help it" Brooke said. "It wasn't supposed to be that loud" I remembered I didn't have my glove on as the two walked over. I pulled my arm between Nate and I.

"What's wrong?" Nate asked quietly.

"Mark doesn't know about my hand" I said.

"Yes he does we watched the video together, he reckons it's cool" he whispered into my neck the air as he spoke tickled causing me to laugh and pull back. Brooke had a massive grin on her face as she walked over when she was close she squealed and hugged me.

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