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As the week went on Krystal continued to go to work happily disapparating from home to work now.

She left early in hopes of seeing her boyfriend, and he did not disappoint. with an hour before they both had to clock in they popped into and had breakfast at the Leaky Cauldron. Then on their lunch break they would meet up again an try the little muggle restaurants here and there since Krystal still had muggle currency, and when they left work they would hug each other goodbye with one last kiss and a promise of doing the same thing tomorrow.

"I don't know if you know yet or not but I went by the Burrow the other day and the Weasley's were all gone."Cedric said as the two were going about their regular goodbye routine.

"Oh yeah?" Krystal played along.

"Yeah, hey look I don't want to be too forward but I want to meet your aunt."

Krystal's heartbeat quickened, "my aunt, why?"

"Well my darling, we're pretty serious and I would like to introduce myself to your only family member in town."

"Love, you know she's not really family but more of a family friend."

"Even still," Cedric protested, "she's your guardian, your staying at her place I think she had the right to meet the man her ward is dating."

Krystal rolled her eyes.

"Do you not want me to meet her?" He asked as he began stepping out of their hug.

Krystal sighed, "Oh Cedric my Love... I love you, and I want you to know all about my life, There's just parts of it I want to protect you from."

"After the year we had last year I'm sure I can handle anything you or your family throws at me." Cedric said as he snaked his arms around Krystal's waist once more.

"I'll talk to her, let you know by owl tomorrow with specific details on how to meet her."

He gave her a curious look but didn't question it, they kissed and went on their way.

. . .

"He wants to meet my aunt." Krystal said as she paced her bedroom.

"What aunt?" Tonks asked.

"It was my cover story, as you all know I'm from America, I wanted to stay here but needed a place to stay. Sirius was kind enough to extend his home to me so when Cedric asked where I would be staying I said at my Aunts house because the deed to the house technically has Mrs Black's name on it."

The girls all sat quietly.

"I'm just gonna tell him the truth, it's the only option I've got, because my Cedric will never let this go."

Krystal filled everyone in on her plan with Cedric that night at dinner.

"And what if he freaks out, breaks up with you, and then reveals us all to the ministry?" George asked.

"He might freak out, and if he does breakup with me I wouldn't blame him, I've been keeping secrets and lying to him from the get go, and hopefully he'll be too scared to rat on us or i'll have my Uncle Sirius have a One on One talk with him." Krystal teased slightly, only she knew that all of these things were very likely.

"To be honest Cedric is a noble guy and very loyal, no matter how he feels about me after tomorrow night, I can assure you he won't say a thing about any of this." She added honestly believing it.

They all agreed to help Krystal in any way they could and then Krystal excused herself before going upstairs to send an owl.

'Hey Love,

It's a go, meet me at our usual spot tomorrow, can't wait to see you. I love and miss you.

-Yours Always, Krystal.'

She knew well enough he would get the note within the hour, her stomach was in knots about the possible outcome of tomorrow so she laid on her bed and closed her eyes.

A gentle knock sounded on her door pulling her from her silent worrying.

"Come in." She said.

In walked Sirius, he smiled at her and grabbed the stool from the antique vanity set before taking a seat in it.

"Krys I could tell George's words effected you earlier at dinner." He said calmly. "So I just wanted to come up and check on you."

Krystal sat up and hugged one of the pillows to her for comfort. "They did, but he was right to voice them, what if he finds out and gets so upset he breaks up with me?"

"And what if he doesn't." He countered.

"Krystal as you know I have grown quite fond of you over these past few months and I see you as the daughter I never had."

His words touched her and she smiled.

"With that being said I only want to see you happy, and if this Cedric kid loves you then he will stand by your side no matter what and if he breaks up with you over practically nothing then maybe he didn't deserve you in the first place."

Krystal sat there wondering even more, "do you think he will break up with me?"

"No" Sirius said flatly, "then again I'm extremely out of touch with humanity so who am I to judge." He grinned. "But what will happen if he does the complete opposite, what if he's excited about all of this and asks to join, what say you then Krys?"

"I don't want him to join."

He had a laugh that sounded like a bark, "Krys who wants anyone to willingly join, I've said it once and i'll say it again but your just like Lily."

Krystal blushed, to her that was an extreme compliment.

"She was always so protective of the people closest to her, as you know she even died protecting someone she loved, and you have that same protectiveness in you, it's quite a gift."

"Sirius I'm just worried about him, Cedric's the type of guy who hears there's danger and he will jump in the front if the line to try and take on the danger by himself so no one else gets hurt. He's courageous for sure but I'm worried that it will get him killed." She confessed, "and as you know I've saved him from death once before, i'll rewrite several futures just to save his."

"What if his story was a short one, what if he wasn't meant to live?" Sirius asked.

Krystal only told Dumbledore about the whole Harry potter book series, so for Sirius to use those words hit her deep "stories are just words, and words can be erased and rewritten, I love him and I refuse to lose him."

Sirius nodded his understanding.

"Just try and be prepared for anything tomorrow." He said before getting up and returning the stool back to the vanity table.

"Thank you." Krystal said.

"What for?" Sirius turned back and asked.

"For accepting me into your home and now into your family."

Sirius smiled and shrugged, "us misfits have to stuck together right?" And with a smile and a wink he left the room.

. . . . .

"My darling I'm so glad you agreed to this." Cedric said as he greeted Krystal with a kiss. Cedric looked every bit the part of a respectable boyfriend going to meet his girlfriends family. His outfit was more put together with slacks, a button up top, a tie and a blazer, he even went so far as to bring flowers. "I hope your aunt likes tulips, that's all the florist had."

"They're lovely." Krystal said genuinely touched that he would go so far to impress her imaginary aunt. "Okay first off some of my aunts family and friends are visiting but don't worry everyone is super friendly and you even know a few of them."

Cedric looked like he was about to ask who was there that he might know but Krystal continued before he could speak. "Secondly is that I have to apparate us inside the house because all these protection charms an what not."

Cedric understood.

"Are you ready?" She asked.

He laced his fingers with hers smiled, "I'm ready."

J.L.M: The Order of The UnknownWhere stories live. Discover now