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On Monday Krystal walked into her potions exams with the utmost confidence. Next to D.A.D.A, Potions was her favorite subject, the thought of taking various things and creating something astounded her, and the things they created could lighten your mood, heal you, curse you...all of this done by her own hand.

Professor Snape wasn't there but it didn't faze her, Krystal went about her exams perfectly, and for once she felt like she could confidently admitted that she knew she got an Outstanding.

With the end of exams came the stress free sighs of the students as well as the looming gossip of Hagrid literally being chased off the the Hogwarts grounds by Umbridge and some Unknown "helpers," the same ones that sent four stunning spells straight into the chest of Professor McGonagall.

Not to mention the scene Harry caused earlier with his "fit" that he managed to brush off as fall asleep and having a nightmare.

"I just overheard Parvati telling lavender that Harry's collapsed during his exam." Hermione approached Krystal worriedly.

"It's the connection, he hasn't been doing his Occlumency." Krystal growled in frustration. "I have to talk to him, I must know what he's seen."

Hermione, Krystal, and Ron took off to find him.

"There he is," Ron pointed up at the top of the marble staircase

"Harry!" Hermione said at once, but it was Krystal who was bolting up the stairs, only she knew the severity if the latest "dream."

"I have to talk to you now." Krystal said as calmly as she could before she grabbed his hand and dragged him along the first floor corridor until they found an empty classroom.

"Who was it?" Krystal asked frantically once they were all in there, "what did he show you?"

"It's Sirius, Voldemort's got Sirius!"

"It's a lie." Krystal disagreed.

"Krystal I've seen it!"

"Damn it Harry, trust me when I say that I've seen this" Krystal shouted, then looked around to make sure no one in passing had heard her. "This is a a lie that Voldemort planned for you to see so that he can lure you to the ministry of magic, it's you he wants not Sirius."

"Harry I really think you should listen to Krystal." Hermione suggested.

"No, no we've all heard her say on multiple occasions that her abilities aren't as trustworthy as they once were, and I will not risk losing the only family I have on the off chance that she's wrong."

Harry's words hurt.

"Krystal are you okay?" Ron asked gently as he noticed her sudden sadness.

"Yeah, no he's right, l-let's make sure this whole thing is real and not some well devised plan to lure Harry to the ministry."

"We have to get there, but how?"

"G-get there?!" Ron asked

Things escalated quickly when Hermione began calling Harry out in his "Hero complex." but everyone shut up when Ginny and Neville walked in, Luna (who was originally there as well) was no where to be seen.

"We recognized Harry's voice," Ginny confessed, "what were you yelling about?"

"Never you mind." Harry sounded grouchy.

"They're going to help us." Krystal sighed.

Everyone looked at her, "look if we're going to do this we best get it over and done with, no need in prolonging the inevitable."

J.L.M: The Order of The UnknownWhere stories live. Discover now