Christmas Break pt2

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Christmas continued as planned, the next day Cedric arrived and not long after Hermione joined them as well.

They all finished putting up the Christmas decorations while a much merrier Sirius sang carols throughout the house.

On Christmas Day Krystal opened all of her gifts happily and thanked each person for their gifts.

From Cedric she received a promise ring. "Because you're the only girl for me and I promise I will be there for you always."

They exchanged a sweet kiss before a knock on their bedroom door sounded, "hey George what's up?"

"I was wondering if I could have a minute with Krys."

"Oh" she sounded as she got off the bed. "Sure thing is everything okay?" She asked a little worried that something might be the matter with Mr Weasley.

Cedric went to find the others while George and Krystal made their way out to the back of the house. The house had a back door that led to a small backyard, George took a seat on the little steps and Krystal copied his action. Then he pulled out a rectangle parcel wrapped in glittering Christmas paper. "Happy Christmas." He said as he handed it to her.

"Oh George." She gasped as she opened the small box, she looked down adoringly at the silver necklace that had a little ruby stone. "This is too much."

George made a sound of protest. "You're my best mate Krys, plus I don't think I could've gotten through all of this with dad if you hadn't been by my side constantly."

She knew there was no way he would take the gift back, "but all I got you was a new set of beaters clubs."

He smiled, "hey I loved those."

"But you can't even use them." She rolled her eyes and sighed.

"Umbridge can't ban me from playing Quidditch forever, I can play at home just not at school."

"Yeah well you know it was either those or a lovely set of ruby encrusted combs." She teased.

He scrunched his nose as he pulled her up from the stairs "they would've clashed horribly with my hair" he played along before pulling her into a hug.

But they hugged for too long and it became awkward.

"I uh," Krystal sounded. Well I should know get back to, um-"

"Cedric,'d best be off then." George finished for her as he took a couple of steps away from her.

She made her way up the steps and stopped when she reached the door to look back at him, he had his hands in the pockets of his slacks and was slowly wandering about.

"You ready to go darling?"

Krystal shook her head from the daze she seemed to be in, "huh?"

"Are you go to my parents...for Christmas dinner?" He said with slight intervals in hopes that it would jog her memory.

"Oh, yes...let me just run upstairs and change really quick." Krystal said as she hid the present from George inside the sleeve of her sweater from Molly.

He kissed her hair before she ran up the stairs.

When she got to her bedroom she locked the door and pulled off her clothes, the necklace fell out of her sweater and when she picked up the box the delicate little necklace fell from inside.

She smiled down at the silver necklace as she stroked it lightly with her index finger.

She placed it safely in her jewelry box before she grabbed a dress and pulled her hair up. She made her way back down and the two of them apparated away.

All through dinner Krystal couldn't help but wonder if George had actual feelings for her the way Cedric had implied only a while back. Even worse, did she have feelings for him?

She shook her head, no, Krystal loves Cedric, she couldn't imagine not being with him, and George is just a friend, nothing more.

When they got back home She went up to her room where she fell asleep.

The rest of the Christmas break went by contently, but Krystal was determined to spend as much time with Sirius before she had to go back to school.

"I don't want to go back" she pouted as she hugged Sirius.

He chuckled deeply and wrapped his arms around her in return, "oh Krys school will be finished soon enough and then you'll be back here complaining how bored you are."

When Snape entered the kitchen he coldly greeted Sirius. "Miss Montgomery, I hope your Break has been, nice."

"It was, thank you professor." She smiled. "May I get you anything?"


"Oh Severus, we weren't expecting you, here sit, sit, can I fetch you something?" Mrs Weasley moved about the kitchen.

"No, I'm here to speak with Potter."

Sirius held his gaze on Snape and Molly went to fetch Harry, Krystal wanted nothin more than to leave but she knew if she did she wouldn't know what these two would do to each other.

"Why you here?" Sirius growled.

Snape pulled a letter from his robes and placed it on the table, Sirius and Krystal took seats opposite Snape and Sirius opened the letter.

It was a letter to Snape from Dumbledore requesting he begin Occlumency lesson with Harry when he returns to school, but he must inform Harry before he returned so as not to draw too much attention from Umbridge.

A minute or two later Harry finally entered the room and Snape explained everything.

The next morning was an emotional one, Krystal really didn't want to go, she knew that the next time she saw Sirius just might be the last time.

Mr and Mrs Weasley hugged everyone and Sirius pulled Krystal into a hug which she tightened so no one would see her tears.

"Be good Krys, stay out of trouble and I'll see you soon alright."

She nodded and stepped back, she blinked her tears away and she managed to smile, "the same goes for you Sirius, please stay safe."

He smirked, "you know safe isnt exactly in my vocabulary."

"I know that's why I have to tell you, but please, for Harry and I, we can't lose you."

He took notice of her pleading tone and he hugged her again, "are you trying to tell me something Krys?" He whispered so only she would hear him.

"Remember that the future can be changed, just, don't do anything reckless, stay here no matter what and I promise that I would risk my life before I let anything happen to Harry or any of them."

She stepped back and he looked at her with full concern before he nodded, a silent promise that he would heed her unspoken warning.

Soon the students found themselves along with Tonks and Lupin looking around the Knight Bus for empty seats. Krystal enjoyed the crazy and slightly dangerous ride as she sat next to Cedric who nervously held onto Krystal to keep her in her seat. Not long after they were rolling through the snowy Hogsmeade. Finally the bus came to a halt just outside the gates to Hogwarts where Professor McGonagall awaited them. Lupin and Tonks helped them off the bus and with their luggage and they quickly made their way onto the safe grounds.

Harry worried about his upcoming Occlumency lessons with Snape, the rest worried about the rest of the term, but Krystal worried about the upcoming stint at the ministry of magic. She couldn't help hut wonder if Sirius would listen or would she be mourning someone she had grown to love like an uncle?

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