Chapter Five

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When I came out of the bathroom, Michael was tying his shoes laces.
"So where are we going?"
"It's a sur-"

"Wow, Tia, words cannot describe how beautiful you truly are, in anything you put on

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"Wow, Tia, words cannot describe how beautiful you truly are, in anything you put on."
"Thank you, Miele. I love your outfit too. I want that. You look sexy."
As soon as I said that I blushed. He giggled, and came closer to me and kissed me.
"It's okay, I always thought that about you too."
I smiled and blushed. He grabbed my hands.
"You ready?"
We walked out of our hotel. We put on our surgical masks, and got in the limo. Michael sat me on his lap.
We talked about all kinds of stuff, and then we started talking about children.
"Tia, do you like children?"
"Like children?! Michael do you know who your talking to?! I'm in love with children! They're not like adults. They are beautiful gifts sent from God. Do you know that my diary consist of names of 100 children I want? I love to cuddle them and play with them-"
He grabbed me and kissed me before I could finish.
"I love you so much Tia. I've never met someone so special and strong like you."
I smiled at him.
"I love you too Michael."
"We're here boss." The driver called to us.
When we got out, it was an orphanage. I was so excited. I should've known. I playfully punched Michael's arm.
"You sneak! I should've known!"
He laughed.
"Ow! I'm sorry Tia, but the look on your face just now."
We went inside. We went into a little courtyard, and saw all the children screaming Michael's name.
"It's Michael! He's back!"
They all ran to him, and knocked him to the ground. I laughed really hard. They all got up and helped him up, then looked at me. All the girls came and hugged me. One little 7 year old tugged on my dress. I picked her up.
"Hi! You are so pretty! Are you Michael's girlfriend?"
I looked at Michael. He just laughed at me.
"Yes he is."
All the girls giggled. Then they dragged me away to a little bench and asked me about Michael. I told the, about how sweet, and kind, and funny Michael is. They were all glued to me. Michael hung out with the boys. The boys played with Michael, and I braided the girls' hair, and this one 7 year old, was glued to me. Her name was Katie.
Michael and I would steal glances, and I would catch him smiling at me, when I cuddled the little ones. When it was time to go, Katie pulled me to a corner.
"I really don't want you or Michael to go Tia, I wish you and Michael were my parents."
I hugged her, as she began to cry. I whispered something in her ear, and she lit up.
She hugged me.
I went over to Michael, as we waved goodbye to the children. When we got in the car, Michael pulled me on his lap.
"What did you say to Katie?"
"It's a secret."
We laughed.
"You know, you're gonna make an amazing mother one day."
"And you're gonna make a fantastic father."
I stroked his cheek and kissed him, then I nuzzled my head in his neck. My eyes began to get heavy.

"Mr Jackson? Ms. Cruz? We're here."
I opened my eyes and lifted my head up. I tapped Michael's chest lightly. His fluttered open.
"Oh! Come on, let's go eat."
We went to a restaurant, that sold fish and chips, as they call it. They were so good. We messed around with each other, we even stole food from each other' plates. When we got back, it was late, we both dropped on the bed, and within minutes, we were knocked out.
Next Thursday, like they planned, Michael did his last show. I snapped pics as usual.

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