Chapter Six

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I turned around and saw Michael come down the stairs. He grabbed my neck and kissed me hard. Then he leaned in nest to my ear, and whispered in my ear:
"I know what she did. You don't have to be afraid anymore."
All of a sudden, the police came down with Lisa in handcuffs, and out the door. When they left, Michael picked me up, and slammed me against the door. He smashed his lips on mine. I threw my arms around his neck, and our kiss became more passionate, and our breathing increased. He carried me upstairs to his room. He closed the door behind him, and laid me on the bed. Then he got next to me and wrapped his arms around me.
"I love you so much Tia."
"I love you so much Michael."
The Next Day...
We had slept for a whole day and night. We had been physically and mentally exhausted. I've never slept this long before, and I don't think Michael has either. We both got up at the same time. We kissed each other good morning, and Michael wrapped his arms around me. I wrapped my arms around his neck. Then he looked at me.
"You so thin! Wait a minute! Please tell me they were feeding you."
I shook my head.
"I'm now 42 pounds underweight, and the nurse there said, if I get thinner, I can't have children, and I'll get sick quicker."
"Well we're changing that. I wanna see 3 meals eaten, a snack, and dessert."
We sat in silence for a minute, then I took a look at his skin. I grabbed his arm, and ran my fingers on his skin. It was softer. I saw a few spots on his fingers.
"Michael, I like your skin. Yours is better than mine. Your Vitiligo makes you beautiful, and mine just makes my body look normal. I want blotches too. I think you're beautiful."
I looked up at him and he smiled at me a little. I knew he hated his skin. I wanted him to love his skin. I'd have to help him in that area. Then he got up.
"I'll take a shower in the other room, you have mine."
"I can't invade your shower! I'll take that one."
I laughed as he walked away. I pulled out an outfit, and a towel and ran to the shower. I turned it on, and undressed. I washed my hair, body, and wrists, and thighs, cause I knew Michael would be doing and inspection. When I got out, I dried off, and put my hair in the towel, then I lotioned, and put on my grunge.

 When I got out, I dried off, and put my hair in the towel, then I lotioned, and put on my grunge

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I brushed my teeth, and cleaned my face, and put Vaseline on my lips. Then I put on White Diamonds by Elizabeth Taylor. And let down my dried hair.

I ran downstairs to find Michael eating

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I ran downstairs to find Michael eating. He had a plate for me right next to him, so he could watch me. I sat down and picked up my fork. I worked on the eggs, then the sausage, then my grapefruit. When I finished my breakfast, Michael had a huge smile on his face.
"Good job baby! And you thought you couldn't do it."
I chuckled.
"Let me see your wrists."
I showed him my cleaned wrists.
"These need some work."
Then he pulled my leg up, to look at my thighs. He put it back, and kissed my hand.
"Let me give you a tour of this place."
He took my hand, and guided me around the whole land. We went to his zoo, got on his train, and went on the rides. Then he took me to a special place, his giving tree. We climbed up the tree. Michael sat down, and I sat between his legs, and laid my head against his chest, with his back against the branch. We sat in silence.
"Michael, I really love it here. I have never had this much peace in my life. When I'm with you, I feel like Wendy being guided by Peter Pan to Neverland. I wanna be a child with you. I wanna be with you. What you wanna do, I wanna support you. You're just such a beautiful person. I know you don't believe, but I think so."
I turned around facing him. Tears were running down his face. I took his hand and put it on my chest, and put my hand and put it on his chest. Our hearts were beating at the same time. I took my hands, and rested them on his cheeks, and I brought his head down. I kissed his tears away, and looked him in the eyes.
"I love you."
"I love you."
We kissed. I had never been so happy before. We got down from the tree for dinner. Then afterwards, we both took showers, and went to his room, and had chocolate mousse, and watched Star Wars 5. When it was over, Michael grabbed a pillow and walked me with it. We ended up having a pillow fight for 2 hours. We were so tired, we fell on the bed, and we're knocked out within seconds.
The next day, we called Janelle, Josh, Tyler, Jenna, Seraphina, Ricky, Stephanie, and Luis to come to Neverland. I showered, got dress and put my hair in a bun.

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